The Intellicast HD weather app has been updated with a brand new look, new features, and other enhancements.
Intellicast HD raises the bar for interactive real-time weather applications. Whether you're checking the forecast for the next 10 days, the next 24 hours, or tracking SEVERE storms in your area, Intellicast HD is the only app you need.
FEATURES: ☼ NOWrad HD Radar; the most timely HIGH-DEFINITION interactive radar for the North America that also does real-time storm cell tracking and map based weather alerts. ☼ Hurricane, Typhoon and Tropical Cyclone Tracking ☼ NWS Watch & Warning areas on the map ☼ Push Alert Notification; get time critical National Weather Service warnings for the United States as push alerts, even when you're not in the Intellicast HD app. NOTE; for a list of critical alerts please see the in-app help. ☼ Combined Radar and Satellite layer ☼ EUROPEAN radar and satellite layer ☼ Exclusive Road Weather Index shows weather related road hazards ☼ High-resolution temperature, wind speed and snow cover layers ☼ Water Temperature layer to show favorable areas for hurricane development ☼ Real-time earthquake plotting ☼ The Industry's most accurate forecasts for over 50,000 locations around the world ☼ Current condition Trends ☼ Temperature, Precipitation, UV Index and Wind Speed graphs ☼ SkyTime; not just a movie, SkyTime displays the latest weather for any location using photo realistic clouds and particle animated precipitation. Watch the virtual raindrops and snowflakes splatter and accumulate on screen. If the snow becomes too deep just tilt the screen and watch it roll off! ☼ Spanish Language support
What's New In This Version: A BRAND NEW look including:- ☼ NEW Map Layer time "scrubber" to allow you to display a specific time ☼ An expanded QuickPick menu allowing 6 selections (up from 4) ☼ Map Legends can now be hidden ☼ NEW Map Settings including new Range Rings and Map Type options. ☼ NEW Local Page that replaced the old Forecast page. ☼ NEW Spark trend lines for current condition data ☼ NEW lower impact Ad panels on the Local and Blog page ☼ REMOVED the Ad's from SkyTime ☼ NEW, easier to use, Location menu.
Other enhancements:- ☼ NEW combined North American Satellite and Radar layer ☼ Improved accuracy and update frequency for current conditions ☼ NEW "next 6 hours" nowcast description for your location ☼ General Bug fixes
You can download Intellicast HD from the App Store for free.