Wooww I Want One This..
Apple Please Make one iPhone 6 like this in next gen please.
This is the best of all time and include CAMERA SHOT BUTON.
Good Idea no need nothing more, or maybe if Apple use you idea and integrates
an Card Reader, like imSD ( i = idevice - m = micro - SD = SD ) Like PS Vita have
thei Own Memory Card and no Piracy yet, so Apple can do Something like one day,, maybe, if do this will be the solution to all our Apple Fan, and Upgrade our iPad iPhone iMac and other devices. and one new Pattent pend lol.
The iPhone will never have any type of SD card. If they did include one there'd be no reason for them to make a 32-64 Gb iPhone or maybe even the 16. Which would drop sales and profits and profits from the money they make off the those higher sized storage chips. and also for your information there is a camera button. It's the volume up button. No need to add another button if they don't need it.