iPhone 5 Renderings Based on Leaked Parts [Images] [Video]
Posted June 8, 2012 at 6:55am by iClarified
Bryce Haymond from Blackpool Creative has created some high resolution 3D renderings of the 'iPhone 5' based on the leaked parts and schematics.
There's been quite a bit of hype recently in the Apple universe over the imminent announcement of a new iPhone, or rather the new iPhone (aka iPhone 5). Many of the biggest media outlets have already published photos and videos of "leaked" parts that are supposedly from the iPhone 5 as it makes its way into the manufacturing phase at Apple's suppliers. I thought it would be fun to piece together these fragments to see what the iPhone 5 might look like when Apple makes the big announcement (perhaps Monday?).
Hi all. I've posted brand new renderings of the iPhone 5 based on leaked parts (calling it version 2.0). New longer video, and 47 new hi-res images. These are much improved over the first version. These have many fixes and refinements that bring them much more in line with the details seen in the leaked parts/prototypes.
I've also included a bunch of photographic real-life shots with the CAD models composited into them, to give a feel for the more every-day look of the phone. Here's the link:
I just think this (leaks) is Apple testing the public's reaction to one of its designs. If we hate it, they will make something different.Â
But the fact is that iOS became boring! It has the same face since 2007! And the only way to change it is adopting thing already present on Android, Windows Phone 7 or ever Symbian. I don't think Apple could invent something new. Jobs is dead.
And I'm no "iHater". I'm writing from my 3rd iPhone, since 2008.
Wow, Longer screen is what ive been waiting for...nooot. Gotta feeling like the new iphone is going to be just spec-bump - a flop since Apple is out of ideas and people excpecting miracles from them. Will wait and see but looks like my next one will be Nokia with w8mobile - at least its something new, unexplored system for me. Got really bored with iOS since used it since iPhone OS 1.0, not even jailbreak keeps my interest on it - the need, desire for something new is apparent.
The main guy of Apple said security was increasing there's no way this many leeks could happen Apple always design something amazing and different so I doubt this is it
Hahaha, like the Galaxy is nice, have u ever used one? Well would you rather drive a Ferrari or a Pinto for the same price?
Those iPhone imitation like Samsung and all this other crap, are just junk made cheap and sold for lot of money.
fugly, I hope is as long but make it wider.
I got my self an htc one x to hold me over until the release, but if its anything like that i ll stick with the droid
That is ugly! The back is horrible, its split into 3 parts with two tones?! Ew. Either do it like the original iPhone or not at all.
Now the iPhone will be too long, you could easily fit a 4" screen into the current iPhone 4/4S provided you decrease the black borders and make the Home button smaller.
This is probably a prototype, the only Apple leak to ever be true was the iPhone 4 and then the iPhone 4 turned on.
This 'leak' isn't the whole phone it's just the back housing from parts manufacturers.
Looks fine to me but we'll see what the final product looks like in a couple months.
This is the equivilent of 'fan-fiction', where fans, anxious to see the next installment of something like Harry Potter, decide to write their own versions. This guy wasted a lot of time creating his own fantasy of what the new phone will look like, but who the f*ck cares what he'd like to see the phone look like. I can see trying to get a peak at new parts, but looking at fantasy mock-ups, that's just plain insipid!
Bryce researched all the leaked information he could find before creating this rendering. It isn't just what he wanted it to look like. He actually used leaked photos and news stories.
Didn't we all say (or hope) that with all the iP5 leaks last year that turned out to be the iP4s...
I am hoping for that design and wouldn't it just throw us all if it was! Plus I was one of the crazy people to buy one of the eBay cases for it so I could get a feel for shape/size etc.
The thing that makes me think this is not real at the moment is;
1. If we get any real snifs at leaks from Apple there are not usually so many in such a short time and also not as detailed.
2. We usually see accessory suppliers leak things first (cases, docks etc.) before Apple do.
3. Tim Cook doesn't seem the sort of guy to like the look of egg on his face and after saying earlier in the year he is working on tightening security I would think this would kind of make him look a bit silly...
But maybe I am just hoping it's fake so that we get a better design - I do like this one but can just think of so many other ways this phone could be made even better.
Seems odd that they went to all that trouble and then had it so the glass was pronounced from the front of the bezel, this works on iPhone 4/s because the back and front are the same but if (and that's a big IF) these series of leaks are legit and are in fact for the iP5 Apple surely would have the glass inset.
In fact if you look at the schematics and the video leak of the housing there is an indented ridge to obviously inset the glass or at least to allow it to sit flush like the iPad/iPod/iMac/MacBook/etc./etc./etc. do...