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This 18 Year Old Tablet Design May Invalidate Apple's iPad Design Patent [Video]

This 18 Year Old Tablet Design May Invalidate Apple's iPad Design Patent [Video]

Posted March 29, 2012 at 7:26pm by iClarified
In its in depth look at Apple's war against Android, Bloomberg notes that a 1994 Fidler/Knight Ridder tablet design raised substantial question regarding the validity of Apple's patent on the iPad's design.

Apple got even more discouraging results on its iPad design. Again peppering her ruling with handy graphic illustrations, Koh showed how the crude-looking 1994 Fidler/Knight Ridder tablet, designed for reading newspapers digitally, created "the same basic visual impression" as Apple's D'889 patent for the iPad. "The Court," she wrote, "therefore finds that Samsung has raised a substantial question regarding the validity of the D'889 patent on obviousness grounds." So, maybe the iPad's design is up for grabs! In any event, Koh declined to enjoin Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1.

You can see that tablet design being presented in the video below...

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Comments (18)
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Oneal - March 31, 2012 at 3:59pm
I don't give fuk who made the iPod ,iPhone and iPad .its good stuff I love it .keep making more and better one .
Kevin - March 30, 2012 at 2:26am
So the iPad is Jewish after all!
Bman - March 30, 2012 at 3:45pm
What are you talking about? Are you angry that a Jewish person invented something? I am unable to follow the logic of your comment?
Roughie - March 30, 2012 at 12:59am
Sure, at that time, all that seemed impossible. In-page Embedded video in an era when even on-screen tv graphics hardly looked professional. But you know what Jobs did? He made it work! He made a product that not only looks great but basically just works right out of the box. And that's the tribute we should pay to him for.
mavrik101 - March 29, 2012 at 9:25pm no mention of owning patents - he envisioned a tablet computer one day to be as good as the printed page. What came first the Chicken or the Egg? Did Donald W. Reynolds see the movie made in 1968 - Stanley Kubricks, 2001 a Space Odyssey... and copy the Tablet idea from there? COME ON now. Apple made a product patented it entirely. Done.
kiz - March 29, 2012 at 8:43pm
So Steve Jobs is not such a clever clog after all!
mavrik101 - March 29, 2012 at 8:44pm
mavrik101 - March 29, 2012 at 9:02pm
Steve jobs did not invent the iPad or iPhone. His genius is how he timely teamed his company to the time of technologies hence seeing and inspiring the project into realization.
max - March 30, 2012 at 9:37am
The film 2001 had a 'tablet' others have had a tablet design since, but the one in this video shows a mock up using a stylus not finger and pinch zoom etc. I don't believe Apple ever said they invented the idea of a tablet- -but that doesn't invalidate specific technology combinations and innovations in delivering a real product rather than a mock up.
Nitro Junkie
Nitro Junkie - March 29, 2012 at 8:27pm
Wouldn't Apples design patent or idea for the iPad be good though if the patent for that newspaper tablet lapsed or wasn't valid anymore? Another thing is did this company ever bring this table to market or go beyond the design or idea phase? I know it was harder back then to make stuff like this because of costs for production and materials and lack of technology at the time, but Atleast Apple innovated and actually brought their ideas and products to market even though people said they were stupid and crazy to do so.
mavrik101 - March 29, 2012 at 9:00pm
What did the LAB here patent? Great question? I believe to patent and idea is merely that... an idea. When the light bulb discovered it was patented also when in production. To patent a device and the process how it functions and continue to develop other advancements for that same product should hold higher regards. Well higher then a mere idea.
mavrik101 - March 29, 2012 at 8:27pm Samsung used this to defend its position and origin of concept for a tablet. What is the form and function of a tablet - does science fiction own the rights? Is there proof that this Tablet displayed in this video provided hold serious grounds and legality or ownership to a tablet design? Was it real or just mere mockup? Where their true patents on the form and function of the NewPaper device dream? The Newton was real - it was one of the first devices to appear. Its Apples'. Then there was the PalmPilot, and that is seen in this video. Dreams - Concepts - Designs - Patents and Production, differentiate here greatly in Apples favour. Apple had a product that worked and was being sold on the market. I can not see another device or product that has such a compete game plan and obvious development from another company. Microsoft believes in the pen. Tablets were envisioned as Tables - huge machines in the office. And Apple gave the world an iPhone with Multii-touch patented for the masses. Apple owns all this. The rest have only copied. 1987 Knowledge Navigator us a two page touch tablet envisioning a Siri like voice assistance. Apple bought the research team Fingerworks and acquired all the patents for every possible gesture ever dreamt of. Apple purchased the research company that created the AI for Siri. The first tablet product to actually reach the market was iPad. With the birth of iOS came the iPhone which then paved the way for iPad.
Nitro Junkie
Nitro Junkie - March 29, 2012 at 8:40pm
C3po you said everything I was thinking but just in a better way. Totally agree with you. If it wasn't for Apples innovation, guts and determination to bring their "crazy" ideas and products to market who knows if we'd have anything like what we have today.
mavrik101 - March 29, 2012 at 8:43pm
The tablet featured is a prop. Nothing is truly interactive. This video was edited to appear functional. The size and shape of the tablet was never patented. And the research Lab was focused on the future of the digital paper rather than seeking the required technologies and suppliers to develop a real functioning product. No technical plans no patents made. Should not be used against Apple. If so, the Apple Newton can be Apple defence.
mavrik101 - March 29, 2012 at 8:55pm
I think you worded things extremely well. The main trouble I have is conceptualization and actualization. If today I can sketch a little drawing of my ideas and then make a small video... example all those iPhone5 computer concepts... then APPLE can never actually make them - according to this. Even if Apple hired outside people to develop and dream... according to this type of evidence no one will have ownership ever. The innovation and technical teams to actualize this device was not done in 5 years. The product actually has been going on inside and outside of Apple until all processes and components and fabrications methods arrived... like the new retina screen. In the Video the voice over says... the read will read text as good as the printed page. Without Apples push and Sharps latest screens Samsung should not be able to use the same screen technology. Does Apple copy the Tablet from this movie? Inspired Apple was I am sure - but Apple took the dreams of so many and made it a reality... Samsung copied that actual product BUT WORSE Samsung was Apples Assembly partner under contract not to compete yet they did.
JRich - March 29, 2012 at 7:47pm
Forget a 7" iPad. I want the 17" model now. And so much for their patent...
budsal - March 29, 2012 at 7:43pm
I would love to see anyone and everyone making a tablet which "looks like" the iPad.
enigma - March 29, 2012 at 7:39pm
I want one! Where can i get one!? Im cancelling my new iPad order
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