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i am in need of a unlock for the BB 4.11.08 does anyone know of an unlock for this BB.
i live over seas and when i went to apple store with my phone that was unlocked using a gevey sim they replaced it with a phone with BB 4.11.08 now gevey sim wont work and im out of a phone right now. HELP!!
I went and bought my 4s but no luck with the jailbreak. It gets as far as "Almost done-" but the Jailbreak button never activates so I can't click.
I have tried 3 times with the same results each time...
Any suggestions?
i am having some issue after the jailbreak,i am using iphone4s. the problem is that, when i am playing any music on music app, the songs hangs like a scratched cd, and it didn happen before
After Done the Jailbreak, i install the cyndia.hackulos repo, and than i install app sync 5,0+
The Ipad Stuck At first Apple Logo Screen, In The Software there is no Option To Booth, What can i Do ?
Thanx a lot you beautiful people ! I just got my iPhone 4S on 5.0.1r1 on friday and was worried to death it was gonna be useless for months !
Ran it on windows 7 x64 with admin rights, no issue with the JB process whatsoever...
Although I got a few Cydia update fetching errors, I didn't get any problem with SBSettings and Winterboard so far.
You made one more soul happy and for that I thank you again
Music not playing after jailbreak, I do have itunes match and spotify. Spotify seems to work fine. Tried toggling itunes match still no luck, tried safe mode still no luck. Does any1 know if a fix??
Also, I would like to thank the dream team for the JB :)
I will make a contribution of $10.01 to the dream team donation acct. if instructions to a working fix is posted here :)
Restored my phone and jailbroke again using windows jailbreak this time. The first time I had used the mac jailbreak tool. I do not know if this makes any difference just FYI. Music now works so does itunes match
I bought iphone 4S in the United States can not bring about the activation of itunes, I can not use iphone unlocking? I live in Brazil and my carrier TIM