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Steve Wozniak: Android Now Bests the iPhone in Some Ways

Steve Wozniak: Android Now Bests the iPhone in Some Ways

Posted January 17, 2012 at 2:46am by iClarified
Steve Wozniak thinks the iPhone is still the best overall smartphone but says Android has leapt ahead in some key areas, reports the Daily Beast.

"My primary phone is the iPhone," Woz told the site. "I love the beauty of it. But I wish it did all the things my Android does, I really do."

Noting that Android devices aren't as simple to use as iPhones, Woz says "if you're willing to do the work to understand it a little bit, well I hate to say it, but there's more available in some ways."

Woz notes that there are some key areas that Android bests iOS.

For developers, Android may be fragmented across devices and have a toolkit that is less refined but not having to deal with Apple's approval process is a huge benefit. Creating an iOS app is always risk. Apple could refuse its approval or pull your app at any time. Also, updates can't be made immediately which leads to bad publicity while you wait for Apple to approve your fix.

Another feature Woz takes issue with Apple's implementation Siri.

"I used to ask Siri, 'What are the five biggest lakes in California?' and it would come back with the answer. Now it just misses. It gives me real estate listings. I used to ask, 'What are the prime numbers greater than 87?' and it would answer. Now instead of getting prime numbers, I get listings for prime rib, or prime real estate."

Woz is also frustrated with Siri's need to connect to Apple servers. "With the iPhone 4 I could press a button and call my wife. Now on the 4S I can only do that when Siri can connect over the Internet. But many times it can't connect. I've never had Android come back and say, 'I can't connect over the Internet.'"

"I have a lower success rate with Siri than I do with the voice built into the Android, and that bothers me," Woz says. "I'll be saying, over and over again in my car, 'Call the Lark Creek Steak House,' and I can't get it done. Then I pick up my Android, say the same thing, and it's done. Plus I get navigation. Android is way ahead on that."

Wozniak also remarks that his battery life has drastically worsened with iOS 5.

Overall he recommends the iPhone for people already in the Mac world and who are scared by complex computers.

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Steve Wozniak: Android Now Bests the iPhone in Some Ways
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Juan - January 19, 2012 at 1:13pm
i own gs2 and iPhone 4, Not 4s, and there is no way gs2 is way ahead, like android users thinks, i even rooted my gs2 t909, nothing in there that would make me change to android. iOS has something different, its simple to use and view, it's like starting to draw in a white paper, you can draw and draw and make it to your taste, complicated or not, even more If you JB Android comes fully loaded with options that pc guys (like me) would say Woaw it has everything, but then you realize it's way more complicated, not made at your taste, and you will use 20% at most of this complex sets of functions.. For example my first impression with gs2, animated wallpapers :| what's this 1998? Some will like it some don't, I don't, so I have to change it, then the menus, there are too many for doing the same things, why?, and the interface doesn't feel as smooth as iOS. Bigger screen?? Bigger phone... Who sees movies on a phone btw? If you are tech savvy like you have to be to understand and use your android to it's full, you won't be watching a movie in a small screen, at least use a 42" 1080p with a 5.1 ht... That's the least use feature on my phones.. I have one or two sd shows from the 80s or 90s but even then I really don't watch it too much.. I don't even like a 20" monitor for watching movies One thing we are forgetting too this are phones, simplicity is a big deal! Btw I don't consider myself an apple fan in no way, I haven't own a Mac ever, because I can do more and faster on my pc (pretty loaded), mac did had a leap years ago, now i dont see any difference, I can solve problems way faster, hack my win 7 as i want it, there's a software for everything, and I'm a graphic designer and communicator specialized in audiovisual..and a tech savvy, I see my iPhone as my pc, there is an app for everything, way way way more than android, is faster, easier to use, and I can hack eveything on it... And it's not even an 4s Android could have one thing there or two, it's not like the worst phone or s60 os, but no way there is a leap ahead to say android is better iOS sucks!..
Iamright - January 19, 2012 at 7:33am
This isn't like Woz.
justabrake - January 18, 2012 at 2:39pm
Same here had the sgs2 for 2 weeks and returned it and bought the iPhone 4s outright
justabrake - January 18, 2012 at 2:34pm
I think if Steve jobs was around he would have smacked him , I really hope apple isn't going to go in the wrong direction after jobs death , I don't like what I'm reading already with these higher up personnel
Sold - January 17, 2012 at 7:07pm
Now is someone bought over by Google here, again?
Russell - January 17, 2012 at 5:53pm
It hurts the fanboys even more when the negative opinion comes from their second deity, The Woz.
groz - January 18, 2012 at 1:34pm
Woz comes from apple, he's honest about what he thinks. And all Apple fanboys discredit him.. hilarious..
David - January 17, 2012 at 4:28pm
It's always fun to read a conversation with Woz, but you have to keep in mind that this one is filtered through Dan Lyons (Fake Steve Jobs), who is a professional Apple critic.
bba01 - January 17, 2012 at 12:58pm
I have used android iOS and blackberry for considerable length of time... These could be considered the 3 major OS(maybe BB less so..) I recently purchased iPhone 4S and no Way am going back to Shiite droid! Woz? Does he realize siri is STILL beta! Fancy dissing a service that's not complete! Woz make your comparison again when it's 100%... way I'm
3do - January 17, 2012 at 9:51am
He says the reality, ex with android on galaxy s2, u have higher performance even then new 4s, android lets u do unlimited stuff, still iphone is the best for me, and they should put out a new model iphone 5 that will knock out all other marks with high perf in screen processor and ram,
Miguel - January 17, 2012 at 12:28pm
You must check some benchmarks comparing Galaxy S2 with iPhone 4S and you'll see that Galaxy isn't more powerfull than i4S, even with a faster processor
DNA64 - January 17, 2012 at 9:31am
Apparently Woz does know you can disable Siri and still use voice control to call people like on the iPhone 4 without the Internet.
DNA64 - January 17, 2012 at 9:32am
asaadsaleh - January 17, 2012 at 7:14am
! did he really said that? i've used to have an android, i loved some of its features but sure not the voice recognition, with Siri I'm so happy and it is fun. although i'm not a native American, i have no problem at all with Siri understanding my comments, amazing.
Tomy - January 17, 2012 at 6:14am
People have a right to say anything in he or her mind. But in this case,if you work in some company or have created things for your co,I'm sure you always carry all the responsible stuff your job did. Not saying bad stuff or giving bad opinion. So I have no respect to him
brandon - January 17, 2012 at 5:25am
I have an iPod Touch 4G and he is right it really does feel like they rushed it out because there is a HUGE battery drain issue with IOS 5 my battery stayed at 47% the other day and I was only using my Facebook app and there was nothing in the multitask the other day I was getting ready for school and I unplugged my iPod cuz it was fully charged and it dropped down to 49% and I was like wtf I mean yeah it's jailbroken but it was never this bad on IOS 4.3.3 when I had it jailbroken then and now I only gets 30 mins on minecraft and played it on my sister 3G and I got 3 hours so that is a huge issue with me I'm personally thinking about switching to the new Samsung galaxy player 5.0 it looks soo nice
Hahahaha - January 17, 2012 at 4:30am
Wow! Woz finally caught up to the times..better late than never i guess...enjoy that will only get better from here :)
Buggsy2 - January 17, 2012 at 4:19am
I'm thinking the Woz hasn't missed many meals because Siri can't get him a reservation.
te72s - January 17, 2012 at 4:11am
Hey Woz jailbreak it and you'll be back on top... But what he says is true. iOS 5 feels like they just rushed it out. Jobs is probably giving the middle finger right now!
Prince - January 17, 2012 at 3:24am
Wow. Either Steve is pissed about something or apple really needs to step their game up. I don't have a 4s so I can't relate to what he says about Siri, but this is one of the first times I heard anything really negative.
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