i've done my absinthe...but i cant find the vpn...then i just click the cydia...then my jailbreak is error...is not successfully...how can i jailbreak again????
i've installed Corona into my previously tethered jailbroken 5.0.1 iphone 3GS but it's not working. I still need to use redsnow to reboot...
mine is a newer model with serial number: 861187*** (it is newer right?). would being that makes it untetherable? any help would be appreciated :)
Help, I use redsnow to jailbreak my 3gs in ios 5.01 before, after following this instruction, I reboot my phone, and it can't pass the apple screen. What is worse is I reboot using redsnow and it still can not pass the apple screen. Help please.
ok, is it just me or has anybody got "phone service" problems after the Corona ??
mine has !
so i have a factory unlock iPhone 4 and after installing corona and rebooting i have no phone service, no incoming and outgoing calls and of course on sms !
the only thing that solved it is that i had to uninstall corona and reboot tether with ultrasn0w to have my phone functionalities back !!
I had no problem with my iPad1 3G but the iPhone 4 sucks !!
I had same problem...what i have todo is tethered jail break with snowbreze afeter that make sure your factory unlock uphone4 has all signal then go to cydia install the corona then reboot your phone,,,,your phone should be ok after that...good luck
Open Cydia. On the bottom, tap "changes" Then on the top left of the screen, hit "refresh" let it do it's thing. After it's done, Corona 5.0.1 will be searchable