Jonathan Ive, the British designer behind many of Apple's products, may be looking to move back to the UK, according to DailyMail.
But despite his Stateside success, the British-born designer is said to be 'at loggerheads' with the Apple board over his plans to spend more time back in the UK.
Ive is reportedly due to receive £25m (£15.5m) in shares, which he was able to buy for £7m, as a result of a 2008 'golden handcuffs' deal that tied him to Apple for three years.
The Sunday Times reports that despite his 'rock star' status, Apple opposes his plan to 'commute' from his £2.5m manor house in Somerset.
A friend of Ive's said, "Unfortunately he is just too valuable to Apple and they told him in no uncertain terms that if he headed back to England he would not be able to sustain his position with them."
If only there was some kind of computer that allowed one to work remotely, using a mixture of email, screen sharing and video conferencing to collaborate with others.
LOL! [+]
, that was connected via high speed international network to other such computers. The only problems remaining would be the supply of device that could be used to speak to colleagues a great distance away at the press of a button and a device to park one's rear end and the computer thing...