These are instructions on how to use your iPhone to check weather conditions. This is a basic tutorial but for those of you just setting up your iPhone it may help.
Step One Press to select the Weather icon from your iPhone SpringBoard.
Step Two If this is the first time you are setting up your Weather application then it will default to Cupertino. Press the small i button at the bottom right of the screen.
Step Three You will now be presented with a list of the cities for which you can check weather.
Step Four To delete a city (ie Cupertino) press the red "Do Not Enter" button at the left side of the city name. A Delete button will then appear. Press it to remove the city from your list.
Step Five To add a city press the + button at the top left hand corner of the screen.
The Add Location window will appear. Type in the name of your city then press the Search button.
Now a list of possible results will appear. Press to select the correct location.
Notice the city now appears in your list of Weather Locations. You can continue to add more cities if you like.
Step Six You can drag the handles at the right of each location to order the cities in your list. At the bottom of your weather list you can choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit using the two large buttons. Then press the Done button at the top right to finish your changes.
Step Seven You will now be taken to the weather conditions for your chosen city! You can swipe to move between cities on your list.
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happy to tell, i intuitively made my yahoo weather window into a list, and swiped r to l, on the city I have been trying to delete for weeks. which showed up a beautiful bright red delete button, hiding there all this time. nothing easier. ha
my view shows a "+" under the cities I listed. then just type in the city name and choose which state... duh.
I am a new comer to technology. THANK YOU SO UCH for helping me to DELETE cieties on my weather application on iphone!!! I am thrilled to have learned something new!
*cough* arrogant much, some of you?
I came here from a Google search on how to change the weather location for my three-hour-old iPhone. And, sorry to say, I'm not stupid. Already set up the POP email for the domain I own, for example, but the weather thing threw me. I did see the tiny italicized i, and I was trying to smack it, but nothing was happening. I guess I was just missing---or maybe trying to type with my fingernail, like I used to for greater accuracy on my old Windows Mobile phone, but the iPhone doesn't seem to pick that up at all. That'll be a tough habit to break.
Anyway, hate to rain on the judge-y parade here, but did want to say thanks to iClarified for taking the time to answer what is a *seemingly* obvious question.
I check it for the funny comments as well.
Tutorials in the making: 1) How to use the touchscreen. 2) How to take photo using the inbuilt camera 3) How to use the speaker phone
LOL, I'm glad I could provide some humor to this site :) But seriously, you would be surprised how many emails I get on how to change the city for the weather. Figured this would be easier then writing a hundred times to press the tiny i.
Iclarified is amazing for tutorials on many complicated procedures involving macs/iphone. But this tutorial is a joke. If someone doesn't know how to change the weather region, then iphone is way too advanced for them.
May be there should be a 100-step guide to using an iphone:
step 1: How to unpack/open iphone packaging (with photos)
step2: How to turn iphone on/off
step 3: How to connect iphone to computer...
etc etc