Soupface has announced the release and availability of their latest product offering, Soupface 1.0 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. The application is a source of absolute amusement for the entire family. Soupface, as the name says, is a face morphing application created for entertainment purposes only that allows user to combine two faces into one!
Ever wonder what a cross between you and your favorite celebrity would look like? Maybe you and your old flame? Wonder no more now! With Soupface, you can find out in an instant. See what your love child might look like with your spouse or secret crush, or you can simply morph celebrity couples together to see how much the image resembles their real life offspring.
The objective of Soupface is to instantly morph pictures of yourself with friends, family members, celebrities, maybe even your pets and daze your friends by emailing them the morphed image.
Soupface developers wanted their application to stand out of the queue of other common Morphing Applications. Soupface doesn't use face detection like other morphing applications, nor do they send you randomly "morphed" images that look like they came from some preloaded database of pictures. Another great feature about Soupface is that once you download it, you don't need an Internet connection!
Soupface comes with following features: * Built in application camera * Preloaded database of celebrities' images * Quick access to photo gallery * It works offline too * Email souped pictures with few clicks * Post to Facebook * Fun for all ages
How to Soup: Load two forward facing (no teeth showing) images of your friends, family, favorite celebrities or maybe pets into the Soupface application. You can use images from your library or take pictures within the application camera. Once the image is loaded, you will have to crop the image into proper position before morphing. The quality of the morphed images is determined by two factors: The quality of the parent images used and the precision of photo cropping, both the factors will take practice initially, but its part of the fun and you will be a Soupface pro in no time!
Once both images are cropped into position, all you need to do is just hit the "Make Soup" button and let the Soupface application do the rest. In order to Make Soup you don't need an Internet connection! All of the morphing happens within the application so it's really fast! Soupface does not send your images to a web server to be morphed and sent back to the app. You will be able to send your morphed pictures to friends by email from within the application or post it to yours or your friends' facebook page. You can really feel immersed in it. Once you get used to it, you won't want to return to other morphing applications again. Try it! Soup it and you will get into it!
Pricing and Availability: Soupface 1.0 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store under Entertainment and Photography category.