George Washington Bush - October 7, 2014 at 6:52am
This was useless it worked until you had to download an app. I downloaded it and ran it for 40 seconds like it said but it still didn't work. Disappointed with this...
couple of ? I had an i Phone4 with 4.0.1 and then went to a reg phone then back to i Phone4 this one has the annoying 4.0.2 is there a way i can use the old back up from the old phone or once you upgrade your screwed. also if i have someone with a i Phone4 4 with the older version is there any way i can use that to downgrade any help would be appreciated
where to download Apps after jailbreak ??
i have installed sources from Hackulous, but i still not able search my favourite Apps which i found in ItuneStore.. is there any others sources ?
pls help ...
I am far from a pro at this but I have managed to jailbreak my ipod touches (32G and 64G) 3.1.3 since spirit first launched months ago. I get WiFI everywhere except my home computer, a MAC that I set up with ad-hoc wifi. Non jailbroken devices work just fine but both of my devices can't seem to connect despite saying they are connected. I have gone through countless forums seeking a solution. I've tried most simple solutions as well as tinkering around with DHCP, Static entry and passcode resets. Nothing works.
Please provide a how to in easy to understand terms.
Worked first time for me!! Nearly had heart faliure when the batter ran out half way through but retried and worked a treat. Very easy to understand, no hunting for usb leads/ Thankyou very much puuuuurfect :)
Thanks, but I was unable to get this to work on my Itouch 2G running 3.1.3. I attempted to install it twice and each time it would reboot after sliding the install bar at the bottom. I hope there is a fix for this!
UPDATE: After numerous attempts I still couldn't get it to work. I jailbreak it using Spirit. For anyone having the same problem as me, I would recommend using it. It was very easy to install.
do i press the upgrade button then once its upgraded i sync the ipod then jailbreak but once i have done all this can i sync my ipod without it un-jailbreaking it
My son has a jailbroken 2g touch on 3.1.3. The laptop he used to sync with screwed up some time ago and hasn't been synced for ages.
Id like to update to 4.0 and use jailbreakme
If I download 4.0 and install an then use jailbreakme without syncing will that work?
Is there anyway to sync the apps to the new laptop? Not to fussed about the music, just the apps etc.
The slider doesn't work on my 16GB iPod Touch 2nd Gen either. Doesn't matter how slowly I slide it across, it doesn't move at all. If anybody knows how to fix this please let me know, but I'm going to look around and see what I can find.