Jailbreak, warranty and restoring the iphone
jepserlundin@gmail.com • February 17, 2013 at 3:44pm
I'm thinking of jailbreaking my iphone and got some questions:
1) I found the way to jailbreak it but if I jailbreak, can i restore the phone to the way it was before the jailbreak, how do I restore the phone?
2) If I jailbreak, what will happen to the warranty of the phone? Can i restore it and then still have the warranty?
3) If Apple releases a new iOS, can I uppgrade my phone as usual?
4) Can i still use iTunes to transfer Music and stuff to my iPhone?

iClarified • February 21, 2013 at 5:49am
1) Yes by clicking restore in iTunes.
2) Apple will not honor the warranty while jailbroken. You will need to restore to stock firmware before seeking warranty assistance.
3) You can but you may lose the ability to jailbreak if one isn't available for the new firmware. It's best to wait to update until a jailbreak is available for the new firmware.
4) Yes.
2) Apple will not honor the warranty while jailbroken. You will need to restore to stock firmware before seeking warranty assistance.
3) You can but you may lose the ability to jailbreak if one isn't available for the new firmware. It's best to wait to update until a jailbreak is available for the new firmware.
4) Yes.