December 29, 2024

iOS 17.5 Beta 2 Introduces Support for Web Distribution of Apps in the EU

Posted April 16, 2024 at 5:31pm by iClarified · 2442 views
Apple has announced that the second beta of iOS 17.5 introduces support for web distribution of apps in the EU.

Web Distribution lets authorized developers distribute their iOS apps to users in the European Union (EU) directly from a website owned by the developer. Apple will provide developers access to APIs that facilitate the distribution of their apps from the web, integrate with system functionality, and back up and restore users' apps, once they meet certain requirements designed to help protect users and platform integrity.

Using App Store Connect, developers can easily download signed binary assets and host them on their website for distribution. To install apps from a developer's website, users will first need to approve the developer to install apps in Settings on their iPhone. When installing an app, a system sheet will display information that developers have submitted to Apple for review, like the app name, developer name, app description, screenshots, and system age rating.

You can learn more about Web Distribution of apps the at the link below...

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