December 26, 2024

Apple Reminds Developers That Altool Will Soon Be Deprecated for Notarization

Posted May 26, 2023 at 8:41pm by iClarified · 5361 views
Apple has issued a notice to Mac developers, reminding them that in November the Apple Notary Service will stop accepting uploads from altool or Xcode 13.

The Apple notary service is an automated system that scans Mac software for malicious content, checks for code-signing issues, and returns the results quickly. Notarizing your software assures users that Apple has checked it for malicious software and none was detected.

As announced last year at WWDC, if you notarize your Mac software with the Apple notary service using the altool command-line utility or Xcode 13 or earlier, you'll need to transition to the notarytool command-line utility or upgrade to Xcode 14 or later. Starting November 1, 2023, the Apple notary service will no longer accept uploads from altool or Xcode 13 or earlier. Existing notarized software will continue to function properly.

You can learn more about migrating to the latest notarization tool at the link below...

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