Apple is Imposing a Lifetime Limit on iPad Purchases
Posted April 22, 2010 at 8:27pm by iClarified
Be careful how many iPads you buy because the Apple Store may decide that you have reached your 'lifetime limit'. That's what happened to a medical student who was doing a favor for international members of the NeoGAF gaming forum.
After going in several times to purchase no more than two iPads at a time he was told that he was not allowed to buy another device.
“All I can say is that you have reached your lifetime limit of iPads and will not be allowed to buy any more.”
When he asked how many iPads is the limit, he was told, “That information is not available.”
You can read the entire back story and the conversation between the customer and employees at the link below.
Let us know what you think of this in the comments...
If Apple launch the products worldwide everytime a new one comes out, this would not happen, but like everyone says, apple wants to control you big time.. F**K Apple, but thanks for the great products :)
There are so many work-arounds really makes no sense to impose a limit...especially after the 'newness' of the iPad wares off before the refreshes come. In the meantime I could give that guy some has no name or purchase limits.
LOL. TOO FUNNY! It is a good move tho. i mean ur no suppose to resell ipad unless ur a autorized dealer(apple want to control u). Also ur not suppose to cartel it and ship it worldwide and make profit.
That's a great attitude. Really?!? You're not supposed to resell your iPad? I'm pretty sure that you can do whatever you want with property that you've legally purchased. You can give it away, or you can try to make a profit. In fact, I'm pretty sure that this is how the system is supposed to work...
Companies do it all the time. It's called free enterprise. Whatever the company rules are --- they are only made to maximize the companies profits. And I mention? Apple doesn't want some, it wants all your money? What is wrong with the average guy making a buck or two? You aren't being forced to buy! Get over it.
@Gambit: You forget that whenever you make a profit you have to pay taxes on it. So if you don't have a registration number or whatever you need to have your own business you're not allowed to resell whatsoever. But then again this has nothing to do with apple...