December 26, 2024

Palera1n Jailbreak v2.0.0 Beta 5 Released [Download]

Posted March 22, 2023 at 9:40pm by iClarified · 16990 views
The palera1n jailbreak for A9-A11 devices has been updated to v2.0.0 beta 5. This release is codenamed Tumbleweed.

Palera1n is a (semi-)tethered checkm8 jailbreak for iOS 15.0-16.3. As of yet, it has not been updated for iOS 16.4.

Here's a look at what's new in this version...

palera1n loader

● Removed palera1n droplet from title
● Added userspace reboot option
● Added socials in credits
● Made terminal window show your jbtype
● Changed the content view gradient to be animated
● Added debug options (triple tap a title in settings)
● palera1n app colors are different depending on iOS version
● If you're not bootstrapped, loader will not display any options apart from install and open trollhelper
● Rootless will not display an option to install other package managers

Other device-side changes

● Dyld patch
○ Remove Mach-O platform restrictions. (i.e. tvOS and bridgeOS binaries can now be ran on iOS, and vice versa)
● Update tools and SSH server in the builtin binpack
● Kernel patchfidner does not crash on 16.4 anymore (NOTE: palera1n still does not work on iOS 16.4)

CLI changes

● Changed format of the version string
● Credits now goes into standard error instead of standard output
● Added -S, --no-colors to not output any colours
● -O, --disable-ohio is gone because Ohio has been deleted


● Clarified about the -f, --fakefs flag.

Known Issues

● If stuck at booting pongoOS or found Pongo USB mode device, Ctrl+C, type exit, then retry, don't reboot the device. It happens on A9 and older devices. If it still doesn't work, you can also try unplugging and replugging the device. ( Rootful ) Make sure you created fakeFS/bindFS before jailbreaking with rootful, or else you'll also be stuck on the pongoOS screen.
● ( Rootful ) "panic: mount exited (exit status 66)" issue with BindFS on iOS 16, use FakeFS instead.
● Does not work on iOS 16.4, attempting to do so will cause an infinite loop trying to mount the rootfs


● Able to jailbreak the device in fakefs-rootful mode, where / is writable, as well as rootless mode, where / cannot be written to.
● On A11 devices, that is, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, the passcode cannot be used.
● On A11 devices, on iOS 15, the passcode must be off while jailbroken.
● On A11 devices, on iOS 16, the passcode must be off since restore, and "Reset All Contents and Settings" from settings app counts as a restore. A backup may be used in this case.

We've posted instructions on how to use the palera1n jailbreak here...
How to Jailbreak iPhone Using Palera1n [iOS 16.3.1] (Mac)

You can download the new beta of palera1n from the link below...
