A look at Apple order numbers suggest the company is selling iPads at 25,000 per hour.
Members at Investor Village's AAPL Sanity Board have begun entering the order numbers associated with their purchases into a Google spreadsheet.
By 11:05am EST the group had received 15 confirmations with order numbers reaching 74,000. The iPad went up for pre-order at 08:30 EST.
"51,000 orders in two hours," announced Victor Castroll an analyst with Valcent Financial Group. His estimate takes into account roughly 15,000 non-iPad orders that come in every day.
Silicon Alley Insider posted a similar 20,000-per-hour figure based on two sales made 30 minutes apart whose order numbers differed by 10,000.
Fortune report that rumors from the supply chain suggest that Apple may only have 300,000 units available for sale on April 3.
According to the spreadsheet, 25% pre-ordered Wi-Fi + 3G models and 25% ordered the largest, 64 GB model. A quarter of them also ordered two iPads.
If you want to contribute your information to the spreadsheet, you can e-mail it to ipadsales10@gmail.com. Castroll asks that you include your order number with the last three digits Xed out, the number of iPads you ordered, the order time, time zone, hard drive size and whether your iPad is Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi + 3G.
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Members at Investor Village's AAPL Sanity Board have begun entering the order numbers associated with their purchases into a Google spreadsheet.
By 11:05am EST the group had received 15 confirmations with order numbers reaching 74,000. The iPad went up for pre-order at 08:30 EST.
"51,000 orders in two hours," announced Victor Castroll an analyst with Valcent Financial Group. His estimate takes into account roughly 15,000 non-iPad orders that come in every day.
Silicon Alley Insider posted a similar 20,000-per-hour figure based on two sales made 30 minutes apart whose order numbers differed by 10,000.
Fortune report that rumors from the supply chain suggest that Apple may only have 300,000 units available for sale on April 3.
According to the spreadsheet, 25% pre-ordered Wi-Fi + 3G models and 25% ordered the largest, 64 GB model. A quarter of them also ordered two iPads.
If you want to contribute your information to the spreadsheet, you can e-mail it to ipadsales10@gmail.com. Castroll asks that you include your order number with the last three digits Xed out, the number of iPads you ordered, the order time, time zone, hard drive size and whether your iPad is Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi + 3G.
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