Telegram Messenger has been updated with several new features including support for video calls with up to 1000 viewers, video playback speed adjustment, enhanced video messages, screen sharing with sound, and more.
Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. One of the world's top 10 most downloaded apps with over 500 million active users.
What's New In This Version:
Video Calls with up to 1000 Viewers, Video Playback Speed, Video Messages 2.0 and More
Group Video Calls 2.0
• Group Video Calls now support up to 1000 video viewers, as well as unlimited audio-only listeners.
• To start a Group Video Call, create a Voice Chat from the info page of any group where you are an admin — then turn your video on.
Video Playback Speed
• Tap … in the media player to select 0.5, 1.5 or 2X playback speed while viewing a video.
Video Messages 2.0
• Enjoy higher resolution from video messages in your chats.
• Tap a video message to expand it.
• Pinch to zoom while recording a video message with the rear camera.
• Continue playing music while recording video messages.
• Tap once on the 'voice message' button to switch to video mode, then hold to record and release to send.
• Add timestamps like '0:45' to video captions and replies to automatically create links that play the video from that specific moment.
• If a video caption includes a timestamp, hold on it to copy a link to that moment.
Improved In-App Camera
• Switch to 0.5x or 2x zoom when taking photos or videos if this is supported by your device.
• Press and hold the zoom button to open a zoom wheel with granular controls.
Screen Sharing with Sound
• Share your screen in 1-on-1 video calls, as well as group video calls.
• Audio from your device is included while sharing your screen in any video call.
• Swipe left or right to select a video source when turning on your camera in any video call.
and More
• Tap 'Select' in the forwarding menu to choose multiple recipients.
• Swipe with two fingers in the chat list to select multiple chats.
• Enable auto-delete in your chats to remove messages after 1 month (also 1 day or 1 week).
• Easily draw small details in the media editor – the brush now gets smaller as you zoom in.
• Profile pictures in groups follow the messages as you scroll the chat.
You can download Telegram Messenger from the App Store for free.
Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. One of the world's top 10 most downloaded apps with over 500 million active users.
What's New In This Version:
Video Calls with up to 1000 Viewers, Video Playback Speed, Video Messages 2.0 and More
Group Video Calls 2.0
• Group Video Calls now support up to 1000 video viewers, as well as unlimited audio-only listeners.
• To start a Group Video Call, create a Voice Chat from the info page of any group where you are an admin — then turn your video on.
Video Playback Speed
• Tap … in the media player to select 0.5, 1.5 or 2X playback speed while viewing a video.
Video Messages 2.0
• Enjoy higher resolution from video messages in your chats.
• Tap a video message to expand it.
• Pinch to zoom while recording a video message with the rear camera.
• Continue playing music while recording video messages.
• Tap once on the 'voice message' button to switch to video mode, then hold to record and release to send.
• Add timestamps like '0:45' to video captions and replies to automatically create links that play the video from that specific moment.
• If a video caption includes a timestamp, hold on it to copy a link to that moment.
Improved In-App Camera
• Switch to 0.5x or 2x zoom when taking photos or videos if this is supported by your device.
• Press and hold the zoom button to open a zoom wheel with granular controls.
Screen Sharing with Sound
• Share your screen in 1-on-1 video calls, as well as group video calls.
• Audio from your device is included while sharing your screen in any video call.
• Swipe left or right to select a video source when turning on your camera in any video call.
and More
• Tap 'Select' in the forwarding menu to choose multiple recipients.
• Swipe with two fingers in the chat list to select multiple chats.
• Enable auto-delete in your chats to remove messages after 1 month (also 1 day or 1 week).
• Easily draw small details in the media editor – the brush now gets smaller as you zoom in.
• Profile pictures in groups follow the messages as you scroll the chat.
You can download Telegram Messenger from the App Store for free.