December 28, 2024

Electra Jailbreak 1.1.0 and Sileo Package Manager Preview Released

Posted December 26, 2018 at 9:45pm by iClarified · 14961 views
Electra 1.1.0, an update to the jailbreak for devices running iOS 11.0 - 11.4 beta 3, has been released with support for a preview of the new Sileo package manager.

Improves vfs reliability, improves overall stability post-jailbreak, and updates APT & dpkg (if you haven't updated)

What's New in 1.1.0:
● Update APT and dpkg packages for Sileo
● Split cydia into a base and GUI package, so it may be installed alongside Sileo
● Fix occasional data abort kernel panics
● Fix occasional freezes that would result in a kernel panic from a watchdog timeout
● Improve reliability of vfs exploit

The preview of Sileo is available from the default Electra Repo.

We’re excited to be releasing the first preview of Sileo today and can’t wait for you to use it. You can grab the Sileo preview from the default Electra Repo starting now!

Some important information:
● This is a beta preview. Some functionality is not finalised and bugs are to be expected.
● For now, the preview only supports the latest version of Electra.
● The source code will be published at a later date.

Currently, @DynasticRepo is the only repo that supports payments, with @CharizTeam adding support soon. Sileo will be distributed on a new repo with the initial release.

You can find instructions on how to jailbreak your device with Electra here:
How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 11.2 - iOS 11.3.1 Using Electra (Mac)

How to Jailbreak Your iPad on iOS 11.2 - iOS 11.3.1 Using Electra (Windows)

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