February 28, 2025

How to Jailbreak and Update to 1.1.3 iPhone Firmware Using Windows

Posted January 24, 2008 at 4:37pm by iClarified · 246238 views
These are instructions on how to update your 1.1.2 Jailbroken iPhone to the 1.1.3 iPhone firmware using Windows.

Mac instructions can be found here:
How to Jailbreak and Update to 1.1.3 iPhone Firmware

I would like to note that Nate True has released this jailbreak by going rogue from the Dev Team. He is no longer a part of that team. This release is not supported by the Dev Team either. It might be a good idea to wait for the official release; however, for those who can't wait I have posted this tutorial. It clearly did work for me, though success seems to be varied. Its too bad that it happened this way.

What you need:
- Download iBrickr Special 1.1.3 Jailbreak Edition from: here

Step One
You must have a 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 jailbroken phone with Installer.app installed. If you need to know how to do this you can follow one of these tutorials:

Windows: How to Activate and Jailbreak Your OTV 1.1.2 iPhone Using Windows
Mac: How to Activate and Jailbreak Your OTB 1.1.2 iPhone

Step Two
Connect your iPhone to the computer

Step Three
Extract iBrickr 1.1.3 from the file(ibrickr-jb113.zip) we downloaded earlier.

Step Four
A folder will be extracted called ibrickr-jb113. If you have Vista/2000 from this folder right click ibrickr.exe then select properties from the popup menu. Otherwise if you have XP procede to Step 6.

Step Five
Click the Compatibility tab and check Run this program in compatibility mode for:. Then select Windows XP (Service Pack 2 from the drop down. Finally click the Apply button.

Step Six
Now double click ibrickr.exe to launch the application.

Step Seven
When iBrickr launches click the Check my phone! button.

Step Eight
You will get a message telling you which firmware version you are currently on. It will also let you know if your phone can be upgraded to 1.1.3 jailbroken. If it can, click the Do it button.

Step Nine
iBrickr will download the necessary files. You will then be presented with the option to find the 1.1.3 firmware on your disk or to download it from Apple. Click the Download it from Apple button.

Step Ten
Once the firmware has been downloaded you will be prompted to confirm the beginning of installation. Click the Do you have to ask? button to continue.

Step Eleven
Again once everything is ready you will be asked to confirm installation. Click the Ready to go! button to begin.

Step Twelve
iBrickr has now completed its part of the job.

Step Thirteen
Press to launch Installer from the Springboard.

Step Fourteen
If you get prompted for an Installer Update click the Update Now button.

Step Fifteen
If Installer was updated click the Ok button.

Step Sixteen
Press to launch Installer from your Springboard again. (If you had to update).

Step Seventeen
If asked to Donate click the Donate Later button for now.

Step Eighteen
Press to select the Install tab at the bottom of the screen.

Step Nineteen
Press to select System from the list of Categories.

Step Twenty
Press to select 1.1.3 soft upgrade from the list of Packages.

Step Twenty One
Press the Install button at the top right of the screen.

Step Twenty Two
Press the large Install button that appears.

Your iPhone will install the Soft Update package then reboot. This takes a few minutes.

At reboot I got a "This accessory is not mean to work with the iPhone message." After this disappeared I got a "Edit Home Screen" message. Click the Dismiss button and you will have SUCCESS!!!!

CLEANUP: You should delete the file that iBrickr copies over to your iPhone its 300+ Mb. I'll add instructions as soon as things get less hectic. For now the file is at: ./var/root/media/softupdate

NOTES*: I noticed that SSH is not working... To fix it I had to reinstall BSD Subsystem from Installer. Then I installed OpenSSH from Installer.

THANKS: Since I don't know everyone on the Dev Teams I am gonna borrow netkas' thank you. Props to everyone on the Dev Team, including (in no particular order): netkas, NerveGas, asap18, bgm, Bugout, bushing, chris_, dinopio, drudge, Fred_, gray, MuscleNerd, natetrue, pr3d4t0r, roxfan, Turbo, Zfstrike, np101137, pumpkin, dubeditions(PhilMugPH) and kroo, along with many contributors who wish to remain anonymous. And props to planetbeing, who was the first person with a 1.1.3 jailbroken iphone, and Zibri, by whom this method was largely developed. Additionally to Shaun Erickson, who packaged the Installer half of the upgrade, and runs most of the application packaging for the iPhone.