September 8, 2024

WARNING: JMCO iPhone Installer Source is Malicious

Posted January 7, 2008 at 10:01pm by iClarified · 5383 views
The repository 'Silver Repo', with a maintainer of 'Mikey', a category of 'Cool' and a URL of '' is malicious. Remove this Source from Installer as fast as you can.

As it appears an eleven year boy has created a malicious installer source for the iPhone. The source url is

This Installer source has several malicious apps:
- The first is called 'Important UPDATE', with a description of 'An important system update'.
- The second is called 'iPhone firmware 1.1.3 prep', with a description of 'An important system update. Install this before updating to the new 1.1.3 firmware.'
- The third package called 'Jo Mama', with a description of 'Potatoes are burning to the ground', in the 'JMCO Apps' category.

The first two install Erica's Utilities, version 0.53. If you uninstall the package, it will uninstall the Erica's Utilities but Installer will think the Erica's Utilities are still installed - but it's files will have been ripped out from under it. Any application that uses the files in her package will break. If you didn't have Erica's Utilities installed, then installing and removing either of these packages will do no harm.

The third installs/uninstalls an old version of OpenSSH. This will conflict with any other ssh application you have installed.

Thanks to Ste for posting this warning on his site. Please have a look to make sure you are safe.
NOTE*: Symantec is calling this the first attempt at a malicious iPhone attack.