February 28, 2025

How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer

Posted January 6, 2008 at 5:20pm by iClarified · 84346 views
Currently the iPhone SMS Alert vibrates for about .4 of a second. Barely long enough to feel it. You can make it vibrate longer by following these easy steps.

NOTE*: There is now a Windows version of this tutorial here: How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step One
Click to launch Fugu from the dock.

Step Two
Enter your iPhone's IP Address in the Connect To: field. Enter root into the Username field then click the Connect button.

If you do not know you iPhone's IP Address you can find it here:
How to Find the IP Address of Your iPhone

Step Three
If prompted enter your password which is usually alpine or dottie then click the Authenicate button.

Step Four
Once Fugu logs into your iPhone click the Go To: button from the toolbar.

Step Five
Make sure Remotely is selected and enter /System/Library/Frameworks/Celestial.framework/ into the Go To field. Then click the Go button.

Step Six
Fugu will go to the Celestial.framework directory. Drag SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist from the right pane to the left pane.

Step Seven
Hold down control and click the file (SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist) once it appears in the left pane. Select Open from the popup menu that appears.

Step Eight
Property List Editor will open SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist. Expand Root then Default so that you see OffDuration, OnDuration, and TotalDuration.

Step Nine
Change OnDuration to a longer value. I set it to 1.4 instead of .4, increasing it by 1.0. Then add the same amount you added to OnDuration to the TotalDuration number. I set it to 1.5 increasing it by 1.0.

A setting of 1.4 will make your phone vibrate for around 1.4 seconds.

Step Ten
Select Save from the File Menu.

Step Eleven
Now back in Fugu drag SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist from the left pane to the right pane.

It will ask you to confirm the overwrite. Click the Overwrite button.

Step Twelve
Reboot your iPhone to see the changes take effect !

A big thanks goes out to one4house, fabiopigi, and Snowbird for figuring this stuff out!

Windows users: You can't open plists properly unless you convert them to text. You can use this link(Thanks Snowbird) to do so: Use WinSCP to get the file then convert it to text using the link above. You can then modify it and upload it to your iPhone. If its not clear I can make another tutorial for Windows users. Leave comments...