iPhone 6 Plus Catches Fire While Charging on Bed [Video]
Posted December 31, 2015 at 4:01pm by iClarified
An Atlanta man reports that his iPhone 6 Plus unexpectedly caught fire while it was charging. David Grimsley had placed the phone on his bed and about twenty minutes later it went up in flames. "There were sparks and flames," he says.
Grimsley pushed the phone off the bed before it could ignite the blankets, then pushed it off the carpet onto a hard surface and waited out the fire. "The whole apartment could have burned down," said Grimsley.
Apple told him they'd replace the device but Grimsley was disappointed by the response. "I thought they'd be more concerned, or check to see if I got burned or anything was damaged," he said.
Grimsley accepted the new phone but is still nervous about using it. "I'm kind of nervous about plugging it in and leaving it on the bed or anywhere it could catch fire. It could happen again."
Apple didn't respond to Fox's request for comment.
Lol. He's upset because Apple didn't do more? He's lucky they even gave him a new phone. I don't think a warranty would cover such neglect on a damaged lightning cable, and or 3rd party cables.
There is no word on the man using 3rd-party cables/chargers. I bet he was using the original ones. Hence, thats why Apple is not responding to this accident. If he did use the 3rd-party ones, Apple will make a statement right away telling people to use their original ones. Just like what they did to woman who burnt their face with charging iphone on a plane. Funny thing is i havent yet to hear any other smartphones explode or catches on fire just by charging. Only the iPhones... Every electronics that has input of electricity has chance of catching on fire, but iPhone is way too often
Probably caused by inferior third party and or damaged charging cable and block. Apple is being nice if they did not mention it was the client's fault. The news people are just hoping to hook a big fish.
Using the original cable and the charging block with no damage to the device or the cable this would have never happened. Also most likely he had a part replaced from a 3rd party vender.
Looking at the phone that is on the charger the cord is frayed at the end so it's a possibility that it's short circuiting and sending too many amps to the iPhone.Not apples fault if your using a cord that is dangerous.
Put the charger on a GFCI outlet depending on the amp draw it may have prevented this.If you were really worried about it you could also get a Lipo battery bag to store your phone in as it charges as well