September 8, 2024

FCC Chairman to Propose Net Neutrality Rules

Posted September 20, 2009 at 10:09am by iClarified · 5055 views
The FCC Chairman plans to unveil proposals Monday for ensuring Web traffic is not slowed or blocked based on its content.

According to Reuters, Chairman Julius Genachowski will announce plans to ask his fellow commissioners to adopt as a rule net neutrality and four existing principles on Internet access issued by the agency in 2005

Internet Service Providers have been blocking or slowing Internet connections based on the type of traffic. These restrictions have been used by companies to block usage of competing services and minimize the network upgrades needed to keep up with demand.

Advocates of the net neutrality argue the obvious, if you pay for Internet access you alone should decide what services you can use.

"It will be a big win for consumers if the FCC delivers strong net neutrality rules that apply across all technologies," Ben Scott, policy director at Free Press

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