December 22, 2024

Google Chrome Beta is 34% Faster Than Safari 4

Posted August 13, 2009 at 1:03pm by iClarified · 10055 views
Google Chrome 4.0 Beta has been benchmarked at 34% percent faster than Safari 4.0.3 by CNet.

When benchmarking Chrome 4.0's rendering speed on a PC last week, it obliterated its previous record and scored 100/100 on the Acid3 standards-compliancy tests. On the Mac, it only gets better. It completed the SunSpider JavaScript benchmark in just 657ms. Only 4 per cent faster than its PC brother, sure, but 34 per cent faster than Safari 4.0.3, which scored 886ms on the same 2.0GHz Intel MacBook.

Keeping things in some sort of delicious context, Firefox version 3.5.2 on OS X scored 1,508ms and Opera 10 beta 3 scored 5,958ms.

While this is exciting news for users, Chrome for Mac is still riddled with bugs and will likely require a few months more development before its ready.

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