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Apple Ranked as Top Smartphone Manufacturer in February With 41.7% Market Share

Apple Ranked as Top Smartphone Manufacturer in February With 41.7% Market Share

Posted April 11, 2015 at 4:03pm by iClarified · 8737 views
Apple was the top smartphone manufacturer in February with 41.7 percent OEM market share, reports comScore. The top smartphone platform was Android with 52.8% market share.

Apple Ranked as Top Smartphone Manufacturer in February With 41.7% Market ShareApple Ranked as Top Smartphone Manufacturer in February With 41.7% Market Share

Smartphone OEM Market Share
186.3 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones (76.6 percent mobile market penetration) during the three months ending in February, up 5 percent since November. Apple ranked as the top OEM with 41.7 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers. Samsung ranked second with 28.6 percent market share, followed by LG with 8.3 percent (up 0.7 percentage points from November), Motorola with 5.1 percent and HTC with 3.8 percent (up 0.1 percentage points).
Apple Ranked as Top Smartphone Manufacturer in February With 41.7% Market ShareApple Ranked as Top Smartphone Manufacturer in February With 41.7% Market Share

Smartphone Platform Market Share
Android ranked as the top smartphone platform in February with 52.8 percent market share (up 0.2 percentage points from November), followed by Apple with 41.7 percent, Microsoft with 3.5 percent (up 0.1 percentage points), BlackBerry with 1.8 percent and Symbian with 0.1 percent.

It will be interesting to see if Samsung is able to gain any market share with the release of its new Galaxy S6 this month. For updates, follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS.