September 8, 2024

iHanWel Released iBody 2.0

Posted August 6, 2009 at 5:20am by iClarified · 3502 views
iBody is the innovative healthcare and fitness application with an English-language interface - the "Swiss Army Knife of fitness Apps." iBody allows users to record all different types of physical data, including weight; fat, water, and muscle proportions; hip and waist measurements; and upper arm and thigh measurements. It then analyzes this data in the form of graphs, lists, and even e-mail exports. The entry fields are also supplemented by a feature that automatically calculates and analyzes BMI and WHR readings. The blood-value module registers blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels (LDL, HDL, and overall), triglyceride content, and lactate levels.

The application also includes a third module - the fitness module, which enables users to enter into a fitness journal all key data extracted from a freely configurable list of all athletic activities participated in. The same data can also be automatically calculated via the GPS tracking module included in iBody. Depending on the type of activity in question, the tracking function can provide measurements in km/h, m/s, or min/km.

More exotic data, such as jogging shoe brands and average heart rate as measured on a home exercise bike, can also be recorded and entered into the App. Like all other iBody data, fitness data can be analyzed in the form of either a graph or list, and can also be exported as an e-mail in CSV format, meaning that further processing and analysis on a home computer is no problem. iBody is already being used by thousands of individuals in many different ways - and ihanwel is setting new standards with these manifold application possibilities.

Version 2.0 now also makes the App almost completely freely configurable: All entry fields can be hidden or shown depending on the application scenario and the user's personal preferences - and even the sequence of data recording and display can be individually configured with the help of an easy-to-use setup module. That means mountain hikers can determine and record their altitude, cyclists their heart rate, and rowers their calorie consumption, for example. In general, key parameters such as weight loss, physical fitness improvement, and blood pressure and blood fat monitoring as ordered by physicians can now be combined in just a single App.

iBody was presented in New York with the Mobie Award 2009 as the best App Store program in the category "Healthcare and Fitness." The jury that presented the award had special praise for the numerous ways the App can be used, pointing out that the program covers areas that would normally require at least three different Apps - which is why iBody is the "Swiss Army Knife of fitness applications."

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