I've only used Apple pay twice now and both times didn't save me any time. I still had to enter PIN numbers and answer all the normal questions you would by using my card like do I want cash back and do I want to donate to this charity and is the amount correct. The only thing it saved me was needing to use my card and keeping that info secure. As far as now it's still flawed but getting there in my opinion.
Apple mentioned it never steals money. Take a hint. I use Apple pay and the only thing that comes out of my card is the register my phone reads even if it wasn't an Apple Store. In general, money goes to anywhere but Apple like using the actual card without the phone.
Right.....u would much rather have your credit card number stolen at Home Depot or Target...lol.....Or U would much rather give credit card processing companies 2.7% of every charge u make with your Un Secure Credit card...lol....No Sense at all............Haters