A new aerial photo of the Apple Campus 2, taken by KCBS news and traffic reporter Ron Cervi, shows that construction is progressing rapidly. From the shot, you can see the 'underground' tunnels that will be used to support the structure as well as for parking. Perimeter walls around the Campus are also nearing completion.
You can see some previous aerial shots here and here depicting construction progress of Campus 2, which is expected to open sometime in mid 2016. A third-party 3D render was also completed showing off how Campus 2 would look when completed.
The Campus covers 176 acres, over 2.8-million square feet and will accommodate over 12,000 staff, 2,400 cars and will even feature a massive fitness center. Like its data center, Apple will be using 100% renewable energy to power Campus 2.
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You can see some previous aerial shots here and here depicting construction progress of Campus 2, which is expected to open sometime in mid 2016. A third-party 3D render was also completed showing off how Campus 2 would look when completed.
The Campus covers 176 acres, over 2.8-million square feet and will accommodate over 12,000 staff, 2,400 cars and will even feature a massive fitness center. Like its data center, Apple will be using 100% renewable energy to power Campus 2.
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