Doom Resurrection from id Software will be available in the AppStore next week, according to a report by VentureBeat.
The plot of the game is similar to that of Doom 3, but it takes place in a different part of the space station than the Doom 3 story. You are the sole Marine survivor on a remote research facility on Mars where all hell has broken loose in the form of demons from hell. Hence, it’s a completely original game in that sense. Players can talk with scientist characters in the game. And they can use all of the same weapons and fight the same monsters as in Doom 3.
The game has eight full levels and about five hours of game play. The team expects to be able to use various iPhone software 3.0 features once they are released, but Carmack said the game was built to run fine on the current iPhone operating system. The game runs at 30 frames per second on the latest iPod Touch, and perhaps half that speed on the earliest iPhone handsets.
HALF THE SPEED on the earlier handsets!!!
that will be absolutely shit as. the only way im playing this is if i pirate the game..
it already looks laggy in the video let alone to be half the speed of that..
the video promos are supposed to make it look twice as good as it really is..