Apple Analysis Reveals That Consumers Want Larger Displays, Cheaper Smartphones [Charts]
Posted April 6, 2014 at 5:49pm by iClarified
Apple determined that screen size and price were the reasons for the iPhone's slowed growth rate, according to internal documents that have surfaced in the company's new trial with Samsung.
This chart shows that iPhone Y/Y unit growth has slowed from 109% to just 8% in FY '13 Q3.
Another slide asks 'So what is going on?'. Factors are separated into Consumers, Carriers, and Competitors.
Consumers: ● Strongest demand coming from less expensive & larger screen smartphones.
Carriers: Carriers have strong interest in capping iPhone due to one or more factors... ● High share ● Subsidy premium ● "Unfriendly" policies ● Lack of alignment
Competitors: ● Competitors have drastically improved their hardware and in some cases their ecosystems. ● Spending "obscene" amounts of money on advertising and/or carrier/channel to gain traction.
Finally, the last slide declares that "Consumers want what we don't have". From CY'11 to CY'12 the smartphone market grew 228M units. Apple determined that the growth either came from devices under $300 or from devices over $300 that have a display larger than 4-inches, nether of which Apple had a product offering for.
Apple is widely rumored to be releasing a larger 4.7-inch and possibly 5.5-inch smartphone later this year. Please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS for updates.
In Secret Docs, Apple Admits The iPhone's 2 Big Problems: show that Apple is considering making a larger smartphone in the style of Samsung's phones: isn't this copying...Wow
It's Unless iPhone does make a perfect resemblance to galaxy depending on how bezel and screen add up then it would be considered copying but no one knows yet. For example if iPhone was edge to edge like HTC then that's a resemblance.
And This is what it should have said instead:
In documents the public was never meant to see, Apple lays out exactly what's holding the iPhone back: small screens and high prices.
These internal documents were revealed during the most recent Apple-Samsung trial, which began a week ago. Apple is suing Samsung, alleging that Samsung copied the iPhone and violated five of Apple's patents.
The documents, disclosed during the trial, seem to show that Apple is considering making a larger smartphone in the style of Samsung's phones. The slides below were shown at an internal Apple meeting in April 2013.
The slideshow begins by noting that iPhone sales are quickly decelerating:
and then comes this chart that is showing...
And This is what it should have said instead:
In documents the public was never meant to see, Apple lays out exactly what's holding the iPhone back: small screens and high prices.
These internal documents were revealed during the most recent Apple-Samsung trial, which began a week ago. Apple is suing Samsung, alleging that Samsung copied the iPhone and violated five of Apple's patents.
The documents, disclosed during the trial, seem to show that Apple is considering making a larger smartphone in the style of Samsung's phones. The slides below were shown at an internal Apple meeting in April 2013.
The slideshow begins by noting that iPhone sales are quickly decelerating:
and then comes this chart that is showing...
There was time when Apple was able to show that what they made is exactly what consumers want, even when consumers didnt had a slightest idea that its what they want, before they saw it.
I agree of the price consumer looking for less; however other thing about the price compare to the competitor is apple price is fix and competitor price is not fixed. That why dealer hard to make money unless they bundle with useless and no value added for the consumer.
Other consideration is competitor phone present almost everywhere even near jungle but not apple device even you can easily find it on the tree.
Make the new iphone a normal size for one hand operation, put in it a quad or better CPU, more ram a 20MP camera, 4k video recording, premium sound, micro sd card, make it unbreakable, non scratchable, waterproof, remove all the crap from appstore,
and let Tim Cook know, he is not Steve Jobs. and even if half of the world think Steve uses other people ideas, well, he innovate, right now, iphone is just another phone, and yes, it is my phone, but, they are producing cheap to make more money, no big MP camera, because is more expensive, no anti scratch glass, because is more expensive, no sd card, because can be hacked ( it happen anyway), they give less every time...
and we stay here waiting... people become tired... and swap.
Because Tim took his place as a backup because he's as smart as him. Apple forever Steve or not. Either way it adds up to beating the wannabe. Remember the trail in samshit paying for damages? It proves it.
The smartphone market matured. Which means cheaper smartphones are "good enough" for a lot of people. i stillnthink apple should still stay away from cheap phones. because i do not want a cheap compromised phone. dilutes the brand.
truth is apple cannot gain this market. just doesn't fit the company. the biggest problem is apple is a publicly traded company that worries about it's stock prices. if the phone price is too cheap, wait.. no profit, stock drops. if it's too high, wait.. no one can afford, stock drops. means millions to some executives.
anyway, do the two iPhone sizes like the iPad to compete with samsung. call it matches, or catching up or copying, don't care. just do it.
get working on that iwatch. i'm even fine with a gear fit copy with an apple logo.
drop the itv, aint gonna happen. work on some apple home appliances that all sync.
Everyone keeps asking for a bigger phone (like me) but then I see people holding them and using them like a phone and it looks ridiculous. The best part is when you see the ladies trying to make or answer a call with one hand...bamm... 200 dollar screen replacements every time.
It looked ridiculous to me when I saw people using the Galaxy Note a couple years back. But now it's becoming a norm and I'm definitely not against it - as long as it fits in my pocket.
So after 6 years claiming that the iPhone has the perfect screen size and only for $599 they discovered that people want bigger screens and cheaper phones. What next? They'll discover people want replaceable batteries and SD cards?
The reason why we claimed 4" is the perfect size is because of one hand use, making it bigger changes nothing it's just something we want for users because they asked for it, why should we claim this perfect? Anyway, why would replaceable battery and ds cards be an option. Just plug in an iDevice to anything else using ds card to save any data onto it all instead of looking for the file to select in order to do it, as for battery it doesn't malfunction or anything, what's the point.
Let's till the growth of the iPhone is zero and see if users want replaceable batteries and SD cards or not :)
This prehistoric over priced piece of junk iPhone will die soon.. And I enjoy watching it dying slowly
Appple just indirectly saying that they want to copy larger display of Samsung and other brands. So now this is not copy ? Samsung / sony / LG / Motorola all came with larger display and now appple simply following them. Now who is copying who ? What iSheeps say ? ROFL
I'm over small iPhones, can't wait for the 6. Selling iPhone 5s just to get the 6. Over 4in phone is what I need, and a better IOS... Not much to ask for in a competitive market. Apple for life, though. Only because I have faith ;)
I'm over small iPhones, can't wait for the 6. Selling iPhone 5s just to get the 6. Over 4in phone is what I need, and a better IOS... Not much to ask for in a competitive market. Apple for life, though. Only because I have faith ;)