March 11, 2025

Apple Takes Further Steps to Block the Evasi0n Jailbreak in iOS 7.1 Beta 5

Posted February 4, 2014 at 7:43pm by iClarified · 19699 views
Apple has taken further steps to block the evasi0n jailbreak in iOS 7.1 beta 5, reports iH8sn0w.

The fourth beta of iOS 7.1 blocked the kernel exploit used by the evasi0n jailbreak. The just released fifth beta of iOS 7.1 takes things a step further and pathes the AFC sandbox escape as well.

evasi0n7's afc sandbox escape is patched in 7.1b5 too.

afc refuses to bind to a specific port now (when running as mobile).

It's unclear if the evad3rs have any unreleased exploits that could work for iOS 7.1 but of course that information won't be released until after iOS 7.1 is officially available to the public.

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