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Anonymous Claims NSA is Using Touch ID to Collect Fingerprints [Video]

Anonymous Claims NSA is Using Touch ID to Collect Fingerprints [Video]

Posted October 1, 2013 at 5:07pm by iClarified
Anonymous has posted a video that claims the NSA is using Apple's new Touch ID fingerprint sensor to collect fingerprints.

Apple has stated numerous times that this isn't case.

Touch ID does not store any images of your fingerprint. It stores only a mathematical representation of your fingerprint. It isn't possible for your actual fingerprint image to be reverse-engineered from this mathematical representation. iPhone 5s also includes a new advanced security architecture called the Secure Enclave within the A7 chip, which was developed to protect passcode and fingerprint data. Fingerprint data is encrypted and protected with a key available only to the Secure Enclave. Fingerprint data is used only by the Secure Enclave to verify that your fingerprint matches the enrolled fingerprint data. The Secure Enclave is walled off from the rest of A7 and as well as the rest of iOS. Therefore, your fingerprint data is never accessed by iOS or other apps, never stored on Apple servers, and never backed up to iCloud or anywhere else. Only Touch ID uses it and it can't be used to match against other fingerprint databases.

Check out the video below for those interested. Apple's support document on Touch ID security can be found here.

Anonymous Claims NSA is Using Touch ID to Collect Fingerprints [Video]
[Original Video Removed]
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APPLE QUALITY - October 3, 2013 at 2:42am
Skyluck - October 2, 2013 at 10:44pm
No ! They just want to make sure your are Not A Alien That so !!!!!! Hahahaha what do you think ?
P - October 2, 2013 at 9:31pm
It's all legit stop being ignorant
Arthur - October 2, 2013 at 9:25pm
Awesome! This means the NSA has my dickprint in their database!
Carl Carlson
Carl Carlson - October 2, 2013 at 3:13pm
seriously.. who cares. if they want to follow me to work at the nuclear plant, the strip club after work with Lenny, the bar I always go to Moe's, then home, It would be an utter waste of time. People are effected way too much by conspiracy theories and delusional paranoia these days. If they want to track you, they will track you. no ifs or buts or cellphone biometric data needed. why they would want to would be a waste of money and time.. fyi, most criminals use burner disposable phones.
zyalon - October 2, 2013 at 9:52am
Watching the watcher
Watching the watcher - October 2, 2013 at 7:51am
GPS ladies and gents. They already have everyone's fingerprints. They are not after your finger prints, they already have those... They want to know EXACTLY where you are at all times, and now they can and there's no hiding It. Remember a long time ago, there was a theory that the govt would put chips in all of us that could identify us, locate us and listen to us....everyone said NO WAY!!! They will never do that, even if they did, we would revolt and never accept this. Well guess what... Everyone already has this locating, listening, identifying chip with them, it's called a smart phone, and everyone has one....think about it
TheRealNoGoodNick - October 2, 2013 at 11:12am
How can we believe shit not mentioned by the president doing this or something apple didn't confirm? The video sounds like a collaboration of words and this anonymous is just a random person using random clips like it actually happened! But how will they know where we are it find my iPhone would be off for example?
TheRealNoGoodNick - October 3, 2013 at 2:39am
What I meant was is iPhone integrated with GPS, would anyone expect the NSA to drive all the way to us and would they have one right in their office is why you mentioned GPS because that's why I asked the question, only find my iPhone would be it's GPS if it was turned on. Are you being more specific?
Copperhead - October 2, 2013 at 4:25am
I honestly believe this, see Apple says they don't give away finger prints and I say it's all lies. I think apple is giving all the finger prints away but tell people they are not, so the general public don't freak out and we have riots all over the world. I believe finger prints are being sent to the FBI and NSA discretely. It's a way of gathering Dara of who is who and where they are located. Then in the apple iOS code if someone communicates to other person in Iran or Iraq then it sends the finger print out and then it sends the data of locations alert if USA is communicating with anyone from Iraq or Iran............... It's called intel....... I'm a commercial driver and the requirements is to hand over a set of prints or you get no license plain and simple so NSA had my finger prints 28 years ago
TheRealNoGoodNick - October 2, 2013 at 12:39am
That's the thing, why would they scam us with NSA? It's always safe like they promised! It's lies of NSA, Obama never said anything of government to use our prints and this video is fake, the words sound so collaborated and apple has nothing to do with NSA at all!
John - October 1, 2013 at 10:36pm
OK, if this was true then why would NSA go through great length in using Apple to gather my finger prints when they could EASILY go to the DMV and get it from there? Or my Passport?
Watching the watcher
Watching the watcher - October 2, 2013 at 7:45am
They are not collecting fingerprints, they already have everyone's fingerprints. You forget your phones have GPS, now every time you scan your finger, they can identify you and know EXACTLY and precisely where you are. They no longer need IP addresses or prepaid cellphones won't be a coverup either becuse doesn't matter if you have a legit SIM card connected to your name or not, your fingerprint is the perfect method of Identification. I'm sure you catch my drift
John - October 2, 2013 at 10:10pm
Ok fair enough. Lets just say when it is time to disappear just ditch all of your electronic device. Catch my drift?
Keith - October 1, 2013 at 10:32pm
Given Anonymous' track record, I kinda believe them.
gamerscul9870 - October 1, 2013 at 9:10pm
Fake! Apple would have mentioned the scanner was going to be used for that but why would NSA use our prints? What else besides phones possibly has scanners and what if I am not that close to them? Plus the video sounds like it was made with collaborated words and none of this was officially claimed for this, not even by Obama! All fake!
Tundaman - October 1, 2013 at 8:22pm
And in the end, if this is all true, all we would have to do to become free again is to abandon everything the modern society has to offer and go back living like a caveman or a hippie in the woods eating fruit and playing bamboo flutes.. nice!
iAmMe - October 1, 2013 at 8:21pm
If you think this is true then why not sue Apple for having a false advertisement and let us know how it goes. Lol!
Justin - October 1, 2013 at 7:48pm
Who cares? I'm not planning on committing any crimes soon. The gathering if this info won't matter in my lifetime lol
Zanka - October 1, 2013 at 7:43pm
Some folks are just a little too paranoid.
Fed - October 1, 2013 at 7:21pm
Hey, I flight out of the Country at least once a year, in my case, NSA had my fingerprint for years!!!
bobdupa - October 1, 2013 at 7:12pm
I visited and, put my finger on and now my battery lasts almost 4 days so yes touchid is very useful feature please do so nothing to be afraid
Ma - October 1, 2013 at 6:37pm
That why I don't want the new iPhone
iDood - October 1, 2013 at 6:19pm
I think only iPhone users who had been involved and with high criminal records would be paranoid enough to use Touch ID. Most users shouldn't worry about it. Unless that person feel important.
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