December 26, 2024

Undocumented Changes In iMovie 09 (8.0.1)

Posted March 27, 2009 at 11:48pm by iClarified · 9788 views
Apple recently released an update (8.0.1) to iMovie 09 which brings some undocumented changes, according to a TidBits report by Jeff Carlson.

Carlson is writing a book called "iMovie '09 & iDVD Visual QuickStart Guide". While updating the book he had to do a little searching into the software update.

He has found four changes worth noting:

Split Clip Keyboard Shortcut -- You can now split a clip by pressing Command-Shift-S instead of accessing the command from the Edit menu.

Interlacing Bug Fixed -- Apple fixed a bug where 1080i (interlaced) footage would appear combed when exported to QuickTime or iDVD.

Enter Coordinates for New Map Locations -- You can now plug in latitude and longitude coordinates into the Choose Location dialog when creating a map and iMovie sets the destination.

HD Export Options -- When sharing to YouTube or choosing Share > Export, a new HD option is available that creates a 720p (1280 by 720) movie with a bitrate of 10 Mbps.

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