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Apple's Board of Directors 'Concerned' With the Company's Pace of Innovation? [Video]

Apple's Board of Directors 'Concerned' With the Company's Pace of Innovation? [Video]

Posted August 8, 2013 at 11:40pm by iClarified
Apple's Board of Directors are reported 'concerned' with the pace of innovation at the company and are pressuring Tim Cook to deliver, according to FBN's Charlie Gasparino.

From what we understand, there is concern at the board level, sources are telling the Fox Business Network, about the pace of innovation over at Apple. What have they had lately? They had the iPad and a few other things, but they don't have anything innovating from what came from Steve Jobs and that concern is basically manifesting into pressure on Tim Cook to innovate, and to do something fast.

We should point out, this is an interesting boardroom drama. It does not mean that Tim Cook is out of a job or that there is a job search out there, we don't know that and I don't believe that is happening. In fact, sources inside Apple are saying that's not the case.

What we are able to confirm is that the board is worried about what is in the pipeline. Do they have the right stuff in the pipeline? Do they have innovative stuff in the pipeline? Do they have stuff to keep the momentum going?

Take a look at the video report below...

[via MacRumors]

Apple's Board of Directors 'Concerned' With the Company's Pace of Innovation? [Video]
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tmel4198 - August 11, 2013 at 10:16am
Just open the software to developers already. Free the jailbreak team of their security research "Of course," Cook told AllThingsD's Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher. "On the general topic of opening up APIs, I think you'll see us open up more in the future, but not to the degree that we put the customer at risk of having a bad experience. So there's always a fine line to walk there, or maybe not so fine." Just a thought for some of you jail-breakers out there: What if iDevices came pre-installed with cydia and an advanced security base IOS. The owner of the device has an option in their settings called "Jailbreak" or something along the lines, it would then explain to the user that beyond this point opens a lot of doors for customization but at the risk of having a bad experience and or a buggy experience. This would allow the user to then have the choice to have a "jailbreak" like experience that could make them love their phone even more and still have the option to switch back to the normal iOS at any given time. If anything was to go wrong on the device, the user has many options for reporting bugs and testing 3rd party tweaks / customization's without actually causing harm to the device because of a more advanced like "Mobile Substrate" and "Safe mode". Think of it as an always Open Beta that all users can try and if they dont enjoy it they can stick to their boring basic iOS experience. Obviously i am not saying this would be easy but would be a lot better for development, innovation, and the increase of sales for apple! I could keep going on with ideas but please just pass this around and hopefully apple and or 'Tim Cook' will come across it and realizw how much this would help iOS development and apple itself. Steve Jobs is gone. Bless his soul. But always remember he was all about making the User feel in control of their device while also having an amazing experience with the device! -Cheers
Fukran John
Fukran John - August 9, 2013 at 3:30pm
Apple is waiting for Samsung and other companies to come up something new so that they can "innovate and copy" them. YOU GUYS MUST UNDERSTAND THAT "COPYING PROCESS TAKES TIME EVEN THOUGH ITS JUST COPY" . So give apple some more time to talk about new innovations cause Samsung s5 coming by next year only .
Fukran John
Fukran John - August 9, 2013 at 3:26pm
Apple is waiting for Samsung and others to make something new so that they can copy them and do their innovation (that's apples innovation till now anyway ) and that's the reason they are always late to come up new products. YOU GUYS MUST UNDERSTAND THAT "COPYING TAKES TIME EVEN THOUGH ITS THE COPY OF OTHERS.
DennEey - August 27, 2013 at 8:30pm
Beetwate305 / i'm facing a diemla, i want THE SAMSUNG 9000 tv but i'm not crazy about the crome finishing, i prefer black. the second choice is The new LG infinia tv's with skype and the wii style remote. SOME ONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BA - August 9, 2013 at 4:53am
Innovations take time. They take longer when Steve jobs is not around. Get it?
gamerscul9870 - August 9, 2013 at 4:07pm
ince when did it take them longer without steve jobs? If iphone wasn't number one today, this would make sense! Get it? Steve jobs didn't yell at apple just to make them get ideas, he inspired them, not rush them, know the fucking real story when you see that the jobs movie.
BA - August 9, 2013 at 9:52pm
I don't need to see the movie dildo. But apple is slower without Steve and its normal they are still in mourning. But don't worry things will kick ass when the UFO donut is finished in cupertino.
mavrik101 - August 9, 2013 at 4:52am
@ Ken, the competition all offer relatively high end or rather I say high priced phones. If there are seven competitors they each offer a phone at around the same as iPhones pricing. Apple clearly blows them out of the water in quality and in volume of sales. So it only makes sense the competition then offers cheap phones too. These cheap handsets run much older version of Android and definitely are not upgradeable. Each company competing may offer 2 to 4 low end phones. But Samsung offers far more. Plus Samsung has contracts to fabricate and manufacture for Googles phone and tablets - plus Amazons Kindle and soon Facebooks phone home ET garbage. So yeah, Samsung is the only competitor of worry here. And Apple is wise to hit them hardest.
BA - August 9, 2013 at 4:52am
Apple is an innovator. Innovations take time. They take longer when Steve Jobs is not around. Get it?
mavrik101 - August 9, 2013 at 4:44am
@ Camfella, phones originally had no screens. Call display devices hold contact numbers and display simple information. Siri could handle everything from calling a person to entering a new contact. A simpler yet still Smartphone could actually be the phone for everyone. Apps and Games and browsing are not for everyone. Thats why a small screen is all there is needed. One button sure, if it makes you happy... but Apple could in fact offer us a SIMPLER SMARTPHONE where Siri embedded chip would offer a clean user friendly UI -- and so instead of a inexpensive one Apple could offer the world a real difference again.
Camfella - August 9, 2013 at 6:18am
@SayWhat What you're talking about is an iwatch, it might do well, but it's certainly not going to replace smartphones that can run apps, browse the Internet,and take photos/videos on a large enough screen. People would buy the iwatch to complement their bigger smartphones. You cant be saying that you think the average consumer would choose an iwatch type product INSTEAD of a phone that runs apps and browses the Internet, takes photos etc. on a 4-5inch screen. As far as Siri, I certainly expect it to improve/advance significantly, but like I said, you can't get rid of the touch option. You can't have everybody walking around talking to their phones all day, on buses, in meetings, at parties etc. Can you imagine that?
Ken - August 9, 2013 at 3:21am
Hmm what are other manufacturers doing to innovate again besides releasing 7 different versions of the same product...
tommyy - August 9, 2013 at 12:56am
Apple kills every competitors with Iron man's Javis-like for all household in the world. Apple iSaac (Newton), a home automation system controls all lights, home security entry and connected home electronics with voice commands.
Thevoice - August 9, 2013 at 12:48am
Board should know what is in the pipeline, and if they're concerned than there is reason why! Cook is not suited for the job, he should have kept Forstall, I think he was a better innovator at what he does than Ive. I think the battle will be fought mainly on the software/features level and not the hardware level. 3D maps (Forstall) was innovating but they should've real ease it when it was ready. iPhone is a great piece of hardware everyone agrees on that. One inch more or less screen doesn't make costumers jump ship, its Apple's (software)policy at what is allowed or not allowed on the phone that pisses people off, and the competitors are winning because of that.
Camfella - August 9, 2013 at 2:58pm
Go to your room Baby Huey, the adults are talking!
Camfella - August 9, 2013 at 7:08pm
Just like cars racing around the track, you're so far behind you think your in front. LOL
Saul - August 9, 2013 at 12:43am
Apple :D
mavrik101 - August 9, 2013 at 12:29am
"and expectations have become unreasonable and childish" -- Agree -- Apple became a World RockStar success with iPhone... hardware and software -- iOS is and was the reason. Lets wait see what iOS brings the world next. The shitty part is Android cloned and piggy backed on Apples success and thought this is good competition to a degree -- it was still stolen. The Macintosh was a huge lesson for Apple when Windows came... the battle has come again with iOS. But lets remember the SYSTEM and the HARDWARE make the compete solution. Google offering free clone OS to manufacturing companies like Samsung - who was Apples partner is TRULY a backstab that should have killed any future deals. Apple needs to find better partners or go its own.
iCrunch - August 9, 2013 at 12:15am
Wow, FOX News, Business News no less, carry old, beat up BlackBerry's haha...
The Voice Of Reason
The Voice Of Reason - August 9, 2013 at 12:10am
I must disagree. Apple was a steadfast company with a limited product line for many many years. The innovations that occurred under Jobs took place over long periods of time. The main ones were the iMacs and the iPods, and of course iTunes. Then not much until the iPhone. Since then Apple exploded in world recognition, and expectations have become unreasonable and childish. Jobs has been dead for only a little while, and we all know that Apple has new products coming out this fall or early 2014. Let's not freak out, and expect the discovery of fire every week. Are we really so starved for distractions? Is it really all about Samsung vs. Apple? Come on folks, Apple is doing great and as a matter of fact, a little slowdown and clean up would be a good thing right now... let's clean up OS X, do some better integration across devices, let's make "it just works" true again instead of focusing only on glitter. Just my opinion.
Nitro Junkie
Nitro Junkie - August 9, 2013 at 1:11am
Totally agree. It took apple 6-7 years to develop and refine the iPhone and iOS. It's going to take time to make good products. Unlike other companies that rush products to market just for the hell of it.
mavrik101 - August 9, 2013 at 12:07am
example - www.thetileapp.com is very cool innovative product... the one year subscription sucks... Apple would investigate ways of bettering this and offer a much better option... integration and simpler smoother easier device.
mavrik101 - August 9, 2013 at 12:02am
1) its a beautiful idea to keep one perfect phone - its simple -- then keep one iPad also, one desktop iMac and one laptop iBook -- offering too - be consistent. 2) an iWatch will not make the grade. Its just not going to dent the universe like the phone did. What Apple needs to do is simplify its line simplify its components take industry back to the USA control leaks and tigher on secrecy - Apple needs to press beyond touch interface and go Siri... a phone with a tiny screen yet no touch required - only Siri would be a simpler smartphone. 3) Cook needs to step down - he has honestly messed up several times and put the blame on others - and no Ives is wrong for the job too... unfortunately Scott is the right guy as he was the engine for iOS and that is what business Apple has become... integrating its iOS system derived from OSX onto common devices we use daily. iOS on your TV. On your watch. In your refrigerator, on your landline phone or your jewellery like your earrings or rings. Real innovation is needed.. not bs and promises that this year Apple is offering Mind Blowing advancements. Cook has not delivered and he has covered up his failures. He presents with a lack of passion and a lack of excitement - he is totally wrong as the CEO based on those two comments.... however he is a genius of supply and will or should be still focused on that part... seems he isn't.
Nitro Junkie
Nitro Junkie - August 9, 2013 at 12:41am
How was Scott the engine for ios? I understand he basically created iOS but he wasn't taking it anywhere. It was becoming stagnant and stale. I believe he had been sick of working for apple for some time. Example. Right before iOS 6 was introduced he cashed out all of his stock he had on hand. It's like he knew he was done. And possibly sabotaged his job to get fired instead of quitting. So he could get a severance package instead of nothing if he just up and quit. I think putting Ives and other teams on the job to revise iOS was a good idea. It needed a refresh. And for future products I'd say give it time. Good products can't he created over night. Look at the iPhone and iPad. They started working on the ideas back in the early 2000s. Then released it at the right time. Apple knows what they're doing. Give it time. You'll see.
Camfella - August 9, 2013 at 12:43am
"Apple needs to press beyond touch interface and go Siri....a phone with a tiny screen yet no touch required- only Siri would be a simpler smartphone" You need to keep the touch option, there are many times when speaking to the phone would not be appropriate.
Camfella - August 9, 2013 at 12:44am
And why tiny screen? It's more difficult to read.
Dan - August 8, 2013 at 11:55pm
I must agree
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