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Facebook is Live Streaming its 'Home on Android' Announcement [Watch]

Facebook is Live Streaming its 'Home on Android' Announcement [Watch]

Posted April 4, 2013 at 4:51pm by iClarified
Facebook is about to begin a live stream of their 'Come See Our New Home on Android' announcement.

The company is expected to announce a HTC First smartphone which features extensive Facebook integration including a custom launcher.

You can watch the announcement at the link below...

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Facebook is Live Streaming its 'Home on Android' Announcement [Watch]
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Pete - April 4, 2013 at 5:53pm
Just finished watching... Im not impressed... No one said anything about privacy???? So if Im at work and my phone is on my desk, people can just explore what is hapening on my facebook right from the lock screen??? Really? NO THANKS! Not to mention you can reply to messages from the lock screen too... Also how is the switching between conversations any easier, when I still touch the screen twice? Makes no difference - essentially a revamp of old tricks that we all have on our phones... The only good thing about it is seeing it as a nice screen saver but no privacy watsoever..
Fred - April 4, 2013 at 5:47pm
ok... so how does Facebook make there money off of this??? I surely dont want ads running directly on my phone... sooo?????
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