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MacWorld 2009 Keynote Address: Live Blog

Posted January 6, 2009 at 1:31pm by iClarified · 17797 views


Engadget [10:31]: "Now we're ending on music -- we always try to remember why we do this. We love great music, that's the heart of it, so I think it's fitting that we end our last Macworld keynote with an amazing artist and legend..." "With no more fanfare... Mr. Tony Bennett." Wow! Sweet!


Gizmodo [10:28]:
Now, the iTunes Wi-Fi music store is compatible with 3G, meaning it’s just called the iTunes music store. It’s the same price as on the Wi-Fi, the same selection, downloadable anywhere you are. (Same quality as well.)

Engadget [10:28]:
"The third new thing happening with iTunes has to do with the iPhone."

Engadget [10:27]: "Next, iTunes Plus -- it's DRM free, and much higher quality. We've worked with all the major companies... starting today, 8 million songs will be DRM free." Huge cheers. "By the end of this quarter, all 10 million songs will be DRM free." About time!

Engadget [10:26]: I'd like to tell you about three things... first... price." "Over the last six years songs have been $0.99 -- music companies want more flexibility. New pricing, $0.69, and another tier at $1.29."

Engadget [10:25]: "We've sold 6 billion songs... and iTunes is the world's largest media library... and we now have 75 million accounts with credit cards." "It's great to see how many people want to buy music like this -- iTunes became the number one channel for music in the US. So what's new in 2009?"

Engadget [10:24]: "We do have one last thing in this keynote..."

Engadget [10:24]: "Here's our ad..." "This is the new 17-inc MacBook Pro..." Oh, we can't do this beauty justice, but it's harping on the green aspect of the laptop.


Engadget [10:23]: "If you need to exchange it, we have a program." "It comes in one config -- $2799." 2.66GHz, 4GB RAM, 320GB hard drive... it starts shipping at the end of this month.

Engadget [10:21]: "What does it mean for all of us? Incredible battery life -- discrete graphics, up to 7 hours, integrated chip, 8 hours."

Engadget [10:18]: "We created a 40 percent larger battery, with the same weight..." "We can build custom batteries." "Our competition uses cylindrical cells... we've created custom shapes for our cells." "To make our batteries thin we use lithium polymer tech... it expends the life to 3x the industry standard." "We get up to 1000 recharges... we have a chip in the battery that talks to each cell, and the system adjusts the current accordingly. 3x the charges and lifespan of the industry standard."

Engadget [10:17]: "We've designed a battery that will last 8 hours on a charge, and can be charged 1000 times..." "The key to building a longer battery is making it bigger... the challenge is where to find the space to put it... in a removable battery there's a lot of wasted space."


Engadget [10:15]: "Inside we have a new generation of C2D CPUs -- up to 8GB of RAM... new NVIDIA graphics options, discrete graphics onboard." "You can upgrade to a 256GB SDD." "I haven't talked about one feature. The battery." "We wanted to deliver our longest lasting battery ever, but we wanted to keep it thin and light..."


Engadget [10:14]: Showing off the i/o -- Same as the other Pros. Mini DisplayPort, USB, FireWire 800, MagSafe... and it's got the glass trackpad. Didn't think they were going to go back on that one.


Engadget [10:13]: "1920 x 1200 display, 700:1 contrast ratio, 60% greater color gamut." Whoa! A matte display! A $50 anti-glare option will be available for the laptop.

Engadget [10:12]: "We came up with a better way to make a notebook, people really love them..." He's quoting some mainstream critics -- wow! "If you look at a list at all the notebook products sold in the States, MacBooks have been number one..."
"I'm proud to show you the new 17 inch MacBook Pro -- it's the world's lightest and thinnest 17 inch notebook."

Engadget [10:10]: One more thing... the third thing." "It's the new 17-inch MacBook Pro."

Engadget [10:09]: "Here's a Keynote presentation, shared on that's what it's like using" Nice applause. "Now this is the beginning of a new service, customers can sign up free for the beta... eventually it will be a pay service."

Engadget [10:08]: "There's a new item that says 'show shared document' -- it will show all the documents that I'm sharing, and who I'm sharing with. I get notice that there's a new note that I need to read... I can reply right in the doc."

Gizmodo [10:07]: Pages then creates the differently formatted versions of the document and uploads it to The person who’s viewing now sees an invite in his or her email. The invite links her, through her browser, to, and opens up the Pages document online. The pages doc actually looks like pages, where she can leave a note for Phil online.


Engadget [10:05]: "I've been working on this document, but I want to get feedback on it. I use, there's a button up top here that says -- just type in the email address you want to share with it, it pulls from address book..."

Engadget [10:03]: "There's one more thing we want to talk about: We're going to announce a beta so we can get feedback." Ooh. Watch out Google. This is Google Docs, but by Apple.

Engadget [10:02]: "So that's iWork. $79 for single user, $99 for the family pack, and $49 with a new Mac. It starts shipping today." "Leopard is needed for the new iLife, we've got a new product called the Mac Box Set, Leopard, iLife, and iWork for $169."


Gizmodo [10:00]: Numbers, the equivalent of Excel, has new Table categories and 250 functions (with function view), which has the appropriate mouseovers and color coding to make things easier to understand. Advanced chart options, like mixed chart types, multiple axis charts, trend lines, and error bars. Pay attention, accountants!

Gizmodo [9:57]: Next, Pages (Apple’s Microsoft word). There’s a fullscreen view to make everything else disappear, focus in on what you’re doing and tune out everything else. Second, dynamic outlines. In Pages ‘09, you can start in outline view before you actually start writing, letting you reorganize thoughts and seconds. Then there’s Mail merge with Numbers, which can connect with tables and lists in Numbers.


Engadget [9:54]: 9:55AM "The new Keynote remote -- it's an app on your iPhone or touch, and it talk wirelessly to your Mac. If you have it set up in a vertical mode it shows your slide, and horizontal, it shows two, and you just flick your finger to move through." Huge applause! "Next up, Pages."


Engadget [9:53]: He's showing off some of the chat effects we saw at the 'Spotlight on Notebooks' presser. The stone charts, wood charts in 3D. Very handsome. The boss-man will be blown away.

Gizmodo [9:50]: “I made this presentation in iWork ‘09, so you know it’s really solid.” In Keynote, you can set up objects in slides, and the software will do the work in moving objects between slides. With magic move, it’ll transition whichever object you want automatically, like rotating and resizing. The sample Phil’s showing is with playing cards: they’re messed up in the first slide, and then they’re neat and arranged in the second with the proper transition in between.


Engadget [9:49]: "So that's just a clip of 'artist lessons' -- it is so much fun. So those are three apps in the new iLife... so that's iLife 09." It'll be a $79 upgrade, family pack is $99, and it ships on all new Macs. "So number two... we have a completely new version of iWork."


Engadget [9:46]: "We bundle nine basic lessons for guitar and piano... but what's really cool is when you want to learn to play a song... we've enlisted artists to help you play... we call this artists lessons." "We continue to add more and more along the way -- they teach you their songs. So when you go in to GB 09, there's a section called learn to play. There's also a built-in store where you can download the artist lessons..." At $4.99 a lesson!

Engadget [9:42]: "I want to talk about one feature. 'Learn to play' there's a new user interface, and it teaches you how to play an instrument." "Let's play a snippet so you see what it's like." Video of an instructor (in HD of course) and the fretboard of a guitar along the bottom. The instructor is teaching blues chords.


Engadget [9:41]: "This is just a sub-set of features. Thanks very much." Big cheers. Phil is back! "Isn't that impressive? So that's just some of the features in iMovie 09... so that's the second app in iLife... I'd like to talk to you about one more, the new GarageBand 09."

Engadget [9:40]: "Now let's look at themes." This is pretty intense, it's putting together some pretty complex 3D stuff, composite images, and flashy titles.

Engadget [9:39]: "Another great feature we have is video effects... cartoon, x-ray, aged film..." "If I play this back, it's been stabilized, slowed down, and aged film effect is applied... all in real time."

"If I want to add a map to the video, I just grab and drag it into the movie... if we play this back, we get this really cool animated map from one location to another." Just like in movies -- prepare for an onslaught of abuse of this feature... coming soon!

Engadget [9:37]: Wow -- he just showed off image stabilization, and it's pretty impressive.


Engadget [9:35]: He's going through pretty detailed descriptions of editing clips in iMovie 09 -- pretty tight technology, though not beyond what you might expect. He's piecing together two clips of the same action so it's one quick cut. He's demonstrating how you can run audio from one clip over another really easily -- very slick implementation.

Gizmodo [9:32]: Randy is showing in dragging and dropping movies onto the timeline, inserting (with context sensitive menus).


Engadget [9:31]: "The right way to show this is with a demo... I've done something really special... I've asked our engineer to show this off -- Randy Ubillos."

Engadget [9:30]:
"Context sensitive menus for clips, you can make new movies with dynamic themes: titles, transitions, effects..." "Animated travel maps -- you can create 2D and 3D maps to show where you've traveled... and now we have auto stabilization for shaky video."

Engadget [9:29]:
"Last year it was all new, we had an amazing new way of editing. We did a whole new version of iMovie. Not every feature was there for every customer... some people missed the features." "In this new version, we think every customer will be blown away." Wow, did he just admit that Apple did something wrong?


Engadget [9:28]: "I hope you're as excited about this as I am." Well... "That's just the first of all the new products... we have a new version of iMovie."

Gizmodo [9:27]: Phil’s now demoing zooming into maps, down to the level of satellite imagery showing a couple pins. Usually Steve doesn’t go THIS in depth of software, which makes us think Phil is kind of buying time with this amount of detail.

Engadget [9:25]: Now he's running through Places. He's working with photos taken in Aspen. "It's easy to find your photos and look at them." Now he's showing off how you can tag photos that haven't been geotagged.

Engadget [9:23]: Phil is demoing the face detection. Have you ever used Facebook photo tagging? Pretty much exactly the same. What's cool is that it finds the same face in other photos -- or at least guesses.


Engadget [9:20]: Oh, actually demo time. Phil is going to run through iPhoto. He seems intent on proving that it's "real."


Gizmodo [9:20]: Another new feature inside Books, which you can use to print out, is maps. It shows maps of where you took photos and can be printed out just like you printed out books before.

Gizmodo [9:19]: Another cool theme is the “shattered” theme, which has transitions between photos that break up a photo into individual pieces and recomposes it. Then there’s iPhone syncing, which also supports themed slideshows.


MacRumors [9:17]: iPhoto slideshow themes. Showing a ballet class demo. Picking themes for slide shows. Uses face detection to automatically zoom in and center photos.


MacRumors [9:16]: We've also added support for Facebook and Flickr to iPhoto. Facebook users can add names to people in your pics...that info gets transmitted back to your iPhoto.

Engadget [9:15]: "The maps come from Google Maps..." It's like GMaps in iPhoto -- bizarre. "In addition to street maps, we have satellite images..." "So that's Places."

Engadget [9:14]: "What if I don't have a GPS chip in my camera?" "There's a field that says 'enter event location' -- iPhoto has a database of thousands of locations. It assigns a geotag to all the locations in that event."


Engadget [9:13]: "This is the best tech we've found for face detection, and it's easy to use -- I think you're going to love it." "In addition to faces, we're adding Places. Wouldn't it be great if iPhoto could organize these photos around where they're taken?" "Places uses geotagging... new cameras like this Nikon, and the most advanced cellphone..."


Gizmodo [9:11]: Once you typed in a name, iPhoto will create a snapshot of the person (”Liz”), and then uses face recognition to find other instances of Liz in other photos you’ve taken. You can confirm that yes, this is Liz, in your other photos iPhoto think are of Liz.


Engadget [9:10]: "Wouldn't it be great if you could organize photos by people? It's beautiful, you get a great new interface -- you wanna find their photos? Just go in and there's their picture." "It uses a technology called Face Detection."

Engadget [9:09]: "What's in iLife? iPhoto 09." He's discussing "events" in iPhoto. "It's turned out to be useful, and customers love it. This year we're adding two events in another way, one is called Faces."

MacRumors [9:06]: People come because they want to try things out...iPhones, iPods, Macs. Today, we are focusing on the Mac. Last fiscal year...biggest in history. 9.7 million Macs. Growing twice as fast as the rest of the industry. It's because of our product line. Hardware, software, etc. I assume you want to hear about new things. I have three of them for you. First, iLife '09.

Engadget [9:05]: "When I look at this photo, I couldn't imagine another company's logo there." He propping the crews at Apple stores. "3.4 million customers visit our stores every week." "That's 100 Macworld every week. So it's no wonder that what's happening is so important to us."


MacRumors [9:04]: It's such an exciting time at Apple. You can feel it in so many ways, but especially the stores. Here's our Beijing store. Our Munich store. Our Sydney store.

Engadget [9:04]: "Good morning. I'm so excited to deliver the Macworld 09 keynote. I'm so glad you all showed up." Laughs "Thank you so much." Big cheers.

Gizmodo [9:03]: It’s starting. Phil Schiller takes the stage. He’s NOT wearing a black turtleneck, but a shirt and pants. Jeans, to be exact.


Engadget [8:59]: "Good morning ladies and gentlemen -- welcome to Macworld 2009. Silence cellphones."

MacRumors [8:56]: Music playing, people milling around getting their pre-keynote photos.

We will be live blogging Philip Schiller's MacWorld Keynote address starting 9am PST / 12pm EST. We'll use a combination of quotes obtained by whichever sites are able to stay up during the presentation.