Chpwn has posted an image showing Cydia running on a jailbroken iPad 4.
It doesn't look any different than on the iPad (3rd generation), but here's Cydia running on the iPad (4th generation):
Yesterday, MuscleNerd posted to show that the jailbreak discovered by chpwn was working for the iPad mini.
Last month, chpwn revealed that his jailbreak would be reserved as a failbreak. That means it will be limited to jailbreak developers and won't be released to the public. This is being done to make it easier to discover new exploits (which will be used for public release) in the future.
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Please release the jailbreak really soon.
At least release a jailbreak on how to downgrade an IPHONE4S from 6.0.1 to 5.1.1..I fucked up my jailbreak.
Just 2 let everyone know,if you have Iblacklist do not update it on cydia.
I updated my blacklist then I was waiting for my iphone4s to reboot it was stacked .I was fucking with it all day yest.. I couldnt restore it from 5.1.1.
I dont remember my Ip address to ssh to uninstall that stupid blacklist.
So if it asks you 2 upgrade ,remove it first then reinstall it.
Now I am fucked I dont have a jailbreak.
I am so mad at myself..I am about to buy an iphone4s jailbroken no matter how much it will cost me..I am so lost right now and pissed off
So please release a downgrade redsnow thanks
A simple reboot and keeping the volume up button depressed would have done the trick and booted up in safe mode allowing you to uninstall your tweak/app that caused havoc....
anyways good luck with the purchase.
waiting on dev team. truly an idevice without jailbreak is useless as a paperweight
yep, same here with my soon as I downloaded the iblacklist update the screen got stuck in the update mode and nothing I did would get it back. Finally I had to restore from iTunes and of course when doing that you are forced into the firmware update.