BigBoss has released a new version of SBSettings, the toggle pack, and a new iPod play / pause widget
iPod Widget:
Background and Problem
This provides an iPod play / pause widget. Without this widget and you are in an app like safari, and you want to start your iPod playing music, you have to exit the app, load the iPod app, start your music, and then reload safari. An alternative is to press power, then double tap home. This lets you start a track, then slide to unlock and you're back to safari. This seemed ok at first. But unfortunately, it always starts playing on the same song. This was very annoying.
This widget solves this issue by giving you a play / pause button that will load a random track and start playing it. If you have paused a song, it will resume where you left off. If your iPod gets closed and reopened, iPhone rebooted or such, then it will randomly select a song and will not just start at the same song each time.
SBSettings Changelogs:
- Reworked dylib to allow for a fast get state API. This allows some toggles to track state better if changed elsewhere.
- Updated Brightness toggle to save its state and read it back when used. The bar should no longer be "stuck" in one position on 2.2 FW.
- Updated some core theme icons.
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iPod Widget:
Background and Problem
This provides an iPod play / pause widget. Without this widget and you are in an app like safari, and you want to start your iPod playing music, you have to exit the app, load the iPod app, start your music, and then reload safari. An alternative is to press power, then double tap home. This lets you start a track, then slide to unlock and you're back to safari. This seemed ok at first. But unfortunately, it always starts playing on the same song. This was very annoying.
This widget solves this issue by giving you a play / pause button that will load a random track and start playing it. If you have paused a song, it will resume where you left off. If your iPod gets closed and reopened, iPhone rebooted or such, then it will randomly select a song and will not just start at the same song each time.
SBSettings Changelogs:
- Reworked dylib to allow for a fast get state API. This allows some toggles to track state better if changed elsewhere.
- Updated Brightness toggle to save its state and read it back when used. The bar should no longer be "stuck" in one position on 2.2 FW.
- Updated some core theme icons.
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