Phil Schiller Defends $329 Price Tag for the iPad Mini
Posted October 24, 2012 at 8:02pm by iClarified
Phil Schiller defends the $329 starting price tag for the iPad mini in comments made to Reuters.
Google's Nexus 7 and the Amazon Kindle Fire HD start at $199 so Apple has priced its smaller tablet at quite a premium over its rivals.
Reuters asked Phil Schiller, Senior VP of Worldwide Marketing at Apple, whether it could be too expensive for cost-conscious shoppers.
"The iPad is far and away the most successful product in its category. The most affordable product we've made so far was $399 and people were choosing that over those devices," Schiller said.
"And now you can get a device that's even more affordable at $329 in this great new form, and I think a lot of customers are going to be very excited about that," Schiller said.
$329 is a little too high of a price to be competing with other 7" tablets. And it's not like the iPad mini is way superior in performance than the rest. It's pretty much the same. Also, I didn't like how he said "I think people will be excited about that". What if he's wrong and people won't be that excited once they get to play with it first hand? I'm not saying that it sucks, because I haven't messed with it. It would be unfair for me to say that.
Hey, I can afford it, so I'll buy it because I LIKE the product. $100 difference won't break me in my life time. If you are so cost conscience, find a better job.
There is an up-side. When it gets jailbroken, people can get the iPad-to-iPhone conversion from cydia and finally have the iPhone bigger than the S III. No more complains about iPhone size vs. Samsung size.
In Germany for example the iPad mini starts at 329€ including 19% sales tax AND a two year warranty by law. With today's exchange rate it's about $ 426. Don't complain about 329$!
everything in Europe has to be more expensive to pay for most expensive in the world russian gas and oil but Apple should not fund russian warfares with their pricing
This is some bull shit. This is the Same ipad i have from march 7... but not retina display and same cameras same A5x... u know what that means, in 6 fuckin months there will be a new ipad mini with retina display and a A6 chip. smh. ugh. now im a big apple fanboy but this im not feeling... U mean to tell me they couldnt squeeze that new shit into the mini smh. i could only see this for kids as they are so intuitive with them... STOP WATERING DOWN SUPERB CRAFTSMANSHIP
In the UK, the iPad mini is only £269, its MUCH cheaper than the iPad 2 and 3 and you get more features in it such as Siri and better cameras compared to iPad 2 in a smaller package which is pretty good value.
do you call Putin high class ? Apple overcharges 3-4 times in Europe and most of this money lands in hands of Kremlin warlords as payment for their world most expensive gas and oil. I thought Apple does not support terorrism.
This price for High class people, if not high class then don buy it . Don at here complaint about out it, LV gucci , Prada , burberry why no people complaint about it.
most of the iFanboys who comment in here will still buy this anyways.... ha ha ha.....
$329 sounds reasonable.... if they make it cheaper then the exclusivity of the device is lost cause everybody will buy it, everybody will use it, and it's just gonna be a "common device"....
where did you get the marketing results so you would know $329+ taxes and up to $650 would be "ok" to compete with android devices? so the marketing pricing was done among rich people only? wealthy people so to say?
This is so true. I can not buy this because its basically the same price as its normal larger version. I also thought it was going to be between 100-299 price rang... Boy I was so wrong on that one. I'm gonna buy the Nexus 7. - it's more affordable for me. Thought the capacity size is small and not 64-gigs or higher.,
This is so true. I can not buy this because its basically the same price as its normal larger version. I also thought it was going to be between 199-299 price rang... Boy I was so wrong on that one. I'm gonna buy the Nexus 7. - it's more affordable for me. Thought the capacity size is small and not 64-gigs or higher.,
It just sucks balls that for $50 more, I can get an iPad with more features and retina display. iPad should of started t $199 then greater for the more gigs and 3G or wifi/3G.
Dude there is no retina display on the iPad 2. That is the one for $399. It has a 1024x768 resolution just like the mini. The 3rd generation has the retina and goes for $499