January 7, 2025

Untold Stories About Steve Jobs [Forbes]

Posted October 2, 2012 at 4:57pm by iClarified · 11663 views
Forbes has published some untold stories about Steve Jobs from his friends and colleagues.

Hide The Porsches
Software engineer Randy Adams initially turned down Steve Jobs' offer to work at NeXT, the computer company started by Jobs after his ouster from Apple. It was 1985. Adams wasn't ready to go back to work after selling his pioneering desktop software publishing company. Within a few days Jobs was on Adams' answering machine. "You're blowing it, Randy. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, and you're blowing it." Adams reconsidered.

Adams, using some of the cash he'd earned from the sale of his company, bought a Porsche 911 at the same time Jobs did. To avoid car-door dings, they parked near each other–taking up three parking spaces between them. One day Jobs rushed over to Adams' cubicle and told him they had to move the cars.

"I said, 'Why?,' and he said, 'Randy, we have to hide the Porsches. Ross Perot is coming by and thinking of investing in the company, and we don't want him to think we have a lot of money.'" They moved the cars around to the back of NeXT's offices in Palo Alto, Calif. and Perot invested $20 million in the company in 1987 and took a seat on the board.

Forbes has a bunch more stories at the link below...

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