December 22, 2024

iOS Apps Earn Developers 4x More Revenue Than Android Apps

Posted June 7, 2012 at 5:03pm by iClarified · 12663 views
Flurry Analytics has released a new report on developer commitment to the iOS and Android platforms.

The report examined 70,000 companies across more than 185,000 mobile apps and found that 7 iOS apps are being built for every 3 Android apps.

For every 10 apps that developers build, roughly 7 are for iOS. While Google made some gains in Q1 2012, edging up to over 30% for the first time in a year, we believe this is largely due to seasonality, as Apple traditionally experiences a spike in developer support leading up to the holiday season. Apple's business has more observable seasonality.

The report also found that revenue generated per active user is still 4 times greater on iOS than Android. For each dollar earned on iOS a developer can expect to earn $0.24 on Android.

"At the end of the day, developers run businesses, and businesses seek out markets where revenue opportunities are highest and the cost of building and distributing is lowest. In short, Android delivers less gain and more pain than iOS, which we believe is the key reason 7 out of every 10 apps built in the new economy are for iOS instead of Android."

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