January 5, 2025

Pod2g Will Speak and Lead a Hacking Workshop at JailbreakCon

Posted May 31, 2012 at 8:52pm by iClarified · 8915 views
Pod2g has just confirmed that he will speak and lead a hacking workshop at JailbreakCon this year.

Just confirmed with @flawlessfox that I will not only be speaking but also a hacking workshop @JailbreakCon this year.

WWJC will be held at the South San Francisco Conference Center and features speakers and workshops from prominent members in the jailbreak community, including: Saurik, Ryan Petrich, Chronic Dev, Jay Walker, NitoTV, Carsten Heinelt, Aaron Ash, Josh M. Tucker, Austin Bradley, and iH8Sn0w.

Early bird tickets cost $65.00 and early bird VIP tickets are $155.00. You can purchase them from the link below.

@JailbreakCon: Not only that, but we have also confirmed @pimskeks as well. That pretty much makes all of @chronicdevteam as speakers this year. #WWJC