Unfold is a newly released tweak by Jonas Gessner based on Anton Kudin's 'fold to unlock' concept for the iPhone. Unfold animates smoothly as you fold back the lock screen to reveal the home screen behind it.
Its fully compatible with Intelliscreen X, LockInfo, Camera Grabber, Bulletin and many more lock screen tweaks. Notifications are handled like normally. Passcode users have no security loss, as the lock screen reveals the "Enter passcode" screen if a passcode it set.
You can configure the tweak from the Settings menu. It can be downloaded from the Big Boss Cydia repository.
Its fully compatible with Intelliscreen X, LockInfo, Camera Grabber, Bulletin and many more lock screen tweaks. Notifications are handled like normally. Passcode users have no security loss, as the lock screen reveals the "Enter passcode" screen if a passcode it set.
You can configure the tweak from the Settings menu. It can be downloaded from the Big Boss Cydia repository.