InteVyDis has released an untethered jailbreak for A4 devices on iOS 5.1.1 as part of Vulndisco Mobile 1.7. The module is vd_ios_untether_5_1_1.
vulndisco mobile 1.7 is out with untethered 5.1.1
It works by creating a custom bundle you have to install via RedSn0w.
The module builds a bundle you have to install on the device with the help of redsn0w tool. Finally the device will be jailbroken and you'll get remote CANVAS shell.
I01nc notes that the company is a legit source of exploits. "@legerov runs a company: Intevydis that sell exploit packs for many years. If that JB were fake he would hurt his own business."
The unfortunate thing is that now two sets of exploits may be revealed to Apple and some people may pay for the expensive exploit pack despite it being available free in a few days from pod2g.
MuscleNerd tweets "the most troublesome part is that (potentially) close to 2x as many exploits will be burned now with 2 A4 JBs".
We recommend that you wait the extra day or two for a free jailbreak from pod2g. You can follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS to be notified of its release.
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vulndisco mobile 1.7 is out with untethered 5.1.1
It works by creating a custom bundle you have to install via RedSn0w.
The module builds a bundle you have to install on the device with the help of redsn0w tool. Finally the device will be jailbroken and you'll get remote CANVAS shell.
I01nc notes that the company is a legit source of exploits. "@legerov runs a company: Intevydis that sell exploit packs for many years. If that JB were fake he would hurt his own business."
The unfortunate thing is that now two sets of exploits may be revealed to Apple and some people may pay for the expensive exploit pack despite it being available free in a few days from pod2g.
MuscleNerd tweets "the most troublesome part is that (potentially) close to 2x as many exploits will be burned now with 2 A4 JBs".
We recommend that you wait the extra day or two for a free jailbreak from pod2g. You can follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS to be notified of its release.
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