September 27, 2024

Apple and Samsung Drop Claims Against Each Other

Posted May 8, 2012 at 3:34pm by iClarified · 8091 views
As ordered by the court, Apple has cut its infringement claims against Samsung in half, reports FOSS Patents.

The two companies were instructed to reduce the claims against each other so that jurors can understand what's going on in one trial.

Five hours after Apple cut its infringement claims roughly in half, Samsung offered to drop five of its 12 asserted patents but still says the case is too big to go to trial this summer. Apple's filing accuses Samsung of being uncooperative in the process.

There's also the usual bickering over whether Samsung makes "copycat products" infringing Apple's rights or, as the Korean company argues, "innovative, independently developed technologies". Samsung is innovative in some areas but it adopted Google's Android, which has been found by judges on three different continents (and, just yesterday, by a San Francisco jury) to infringe third-party intellectual property rights, and added its own infringements on top. Steve Jobs once said that "good artists copy, great artists steal". But between these two companies here, there can be no doubt about who's copied from whom, just like there can be no doubt about who singlehandedly revolutionized an entire industry. The only question left to be answered is about scope: which of the asserted rights are both valid and infringed?

You can get a full breakdown of the alleged infringements at the link below...

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