What's New in Version 0.4 ● Mac: added support for OSX 10.5, PPC and Intel CPU ● added consistency check on startup to make sure required files are in place ● Windows: fixed bug in payload generator that might cause a crash
You can download the latest version of Absinthe from here.
You can find instructions on how to jailbreak your device on iOS 5.0.1 using the iClarified Jailbreak Wizard.
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#Absinthe 0.4 released greenpois0n.com/?p=173 - OSX 10.5 support (PPC+Intel). Re-jailbreaking not required. Changelog: pastebin.com/DdwGKstR
That's what they said. It makes me think, and I hate to ask stupid questions in the wrong place and all, but I'm gonna do it anyway. I jailbroke (jailbraked?) with the original version of Absinthe 0.1. Is there any reason I might want to rejailbreak with any of the later versions? Don't 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 all just expand Absinthe's usability to other hardware/software ... windows, linux, bla bla?