ZodTTD has made the mame4iphone arcade emulator for iPhone available via Cydia
Hi everyone!
Before I decided to port over genesis4iphone to the 2.x.x series firmware, I picked up the MAME arcade emulator port, mame4all by Franxis. He did an excellent job and I was able to get something up and running very quickly.
mame4iphone is available via Cydia in my built-in public ZodTTD.com repo/source. If you like it, consider donating here!
So here is what mame4iphone v0.5.0 consists of:
- Based on MAME v0.37 Beta 5
- Although MAME v0.37 Beta 5 is quite old, and I'm not quite sure why it was chosen as the basis for many ports to ARM handhelds yet, it still supports over 2000 ROMs!
- These arcade game's date range from the 1970's all the way to 2000!
- Sound is supported but disabled by default. To enable it,goto Now Playing and slide the slider for volume up from the off position then start a game.
- Once a game is started it will ask you to press OK. Use RIGHT then LEFT then RIGHT then LEFT to press OK.
- Save states are only just being introduced in MAME v0.37, so mame4iphone does not currently support save states.
- Upon installing a folder /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/MAME/ is already made for you. - Place your MAME-titled zipped ROMs in the /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/MAME/roms/ folder.
Not every ROM in the MAME v0.37 set may work as expected, either due to performance or bugs. But please let me know which games do work well! It will give me good insight on how to proceed with updates for mame4iphone!
Play on!
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Hi everyone!
Before I decided to port over genesis4iphone to the 2.x.x series firmware, I picked up the MAME arcade emulator port, mame4all by Franxis. He did an excellent job and I was able to get something up and running very quickly.
mame4iphone is available via Cydia in my built-in public ZodTTD.com repo/source. If you like it, consider donating here!
So here is what mame4iphone v0.5.0 consists of:
- Based on MAME v0.37 Beta 5
- Although MAME v0.37 Beta 5 is quite old, and I'm not quite sure why it was chosen as the basis for many ports to ARM handhelds yet, it still supports over 2000 ROMs!
- These arcade game's date range from the 1970's all the way to 2000!
- Sound is supported but disabled by default. To enable it,goto Now Playing and slide the slider for volume up from the off position then start a game.
- Once a game is started it will ask you to press OK. Use RIGHT then LEFT then RIGHT then LEFT to press OK.
- Save states are only just being introduced in MAME v0.37, so mame4iphone does not currently support save states.
- Upon installing a folder /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/MAME/ is already made for you. - Place your MAME-titled zipped ROMs in the /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/MAME/roms/ folder.
Not every ROM in the MAME v0.37 set may work as expected, either due to performance or bugs. But please let me know which games do work well! It will give me good insight on how to proceed with updates for mame4iphone!
Play on!
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