September 30, 2024

App For National Motivation Day

Posted January 2, 2012 at 6:00pm by iClarified · 5191 views
The U.S. Congress has designated January 2nd of each year as "National Motivation & Inspiration Day." As part of this year's observance, the nationally-broadcast "Fox & Friends" morning show featured the TraxItAll iPhone app, a goal-setting tool for iOS devices. During the segment, Kevin L. McCrudden, founder of National Motivation & Inspiration Day, stated that TraxItAll "will help you actually establish your resolutions and your goals, and then be able to successfully follow them."

According to McCrudden, studies show that of all the people who set goals at the beginning of January, 85% will abandon their goals by the end of the month. To remedy this problem and help people become effective in their goal setting, Mr. McCrudden presented the need to establish what are referred to as "S.M.A.R.T." goals. That is, the goals we set need to be:

1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Attainable
4. Realistic
5. Timely

TraxItAll is an ideal app for helping people to set "S.M.A.R.T." goals, which is why it was selected by Mr. McCrudden to be featured on National Motivation & Inspiration Day. During his appearance on Fox & Friends, Mr. McCrudden stated that TraxItAll "will help you actually establish your resolutions and your goals, and then be able to successfully follow them every single day, every single month. And at the end of the month it will give you a resolution...You were 80%, 90%, 10% [of your goal], so you really can see how well you're doing and then can adjust as you go through the year." He went on to state that "For personal success it's a great application you can use to help you to be successful with your goals."

According to David Canfield, president of TraxItAll Software, "We're very pleased and honored to be selected as a featured product for National Motivation & Inspiration Day, and feel it's a great opportunity for us."

"TraxItAll is specifically designed to give people a way to track, and set goals for, anything that matters to them day-by-day, so it's a great tool for helping people with their New Year's resolutions. We consider it a 'personal accountability tool,' and a very important part of any goal setting is to be accountable to yourself for what you said you were going to do."

"We've had a lot of very positive feedback from our users, often stating that TraxItAll has helped motivate them to reach their goals, and it's always very gratifying to hear how our product has helped people in this regard."

Pricing and Availability:
TraxItAll 1.3.1 is $1.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category.