February 28, 2025

How to Enable Native iTunes 'Now Playing' Notifications

Posted November 19, 2011 at 4:54pm by iClarified · 34742 views
These are instructions on how to enable native iTunes 'Now Playing' notifications.

Step One
Launch Terminal from your Applications:Utilities folder.

Step Two
Input the following commands:

defaults write com.apple.dock itunes-notifications -bool TRUE
defaults write com.apple.dock notification-always-show-image -bool TRUE
killall Dock

Step Three
After your Dock has been restarted you will notice now playing notifications appear above the iTunes icon.

To remove notifications, input the following commands into the Terminal window:

defaults write com.apple.dock itunes-notifications -bool FALSE
defaults write com.apple.dock notification-always-show-image -bool FALSE
killall Dock

[via TNW, Mac OS X Hints]